Row 1
Ch. 25
Row 2
Ch. 25
Row 3
Ch. 25
Row 4
Ch. 25
Row 5
Ch. 25


(1) Suicide

(2) Suicidal ideation

(3) Completed suicide

(1) Intentional act of killing oneself by any means

(2) Thinking about killing oneself

(3) Suicide successfully resulting in death



(1) Nonsuicidal self-injury

(2) Para suicide

(1) self-injury directed to the surface of the body to induce relief form negative feeling/cognitive state or to achieve a positive mood state

(2) a suicidal gesture or attempt whose aim is not death


Learning card (no points)

Clinical picture

--Largely preventable

-- Half of people who die by suicide had a healthcare visit within the last month before death

-- Comorbidities: MDD, substance use, psychosis, anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders, and trauma-related disorders

-- Loss of relationships, financial difficulty, and impulsivity and usual precursors 


(Assessment--learning card, no points)

Suicide risk assessment questions

-- have you felt that life is not worth living?

-- Do you think about suicide?

-- have you ever attempted suicide?

-- Do you have a plan for ending your life? If so, what is your plan for suicide?

-- Assess lethality/means to carry out plan


(Learning card, no points)


Lethality and Self-assessment


-Is there a specific plan? - How lethal is the proposed plan.

Remember hard methods: gun, hanging, jumping off bridge, carbon monoxide poisoning, staging a crash

Remember soft methods: cutting wrist, natural gas, ingesting pills

--Is there access to the planned method?


- Countertransference, limited belief that asking will cause the pt to act on intentions. 


Learning card (no points)

--Objectives for the nurse

-- Identify evidence-based practice suicide risk assessment tools.

-- Describe three expected reactions a nurse may experience when working with patients who have suicidal ideation.

-- Discuss basic-level interventions in the hospital or community

-- Explain key elements of suicide precautions and environmental safety factors in the hospital. 


Learning card (no points)



- Tx underlying comorbid disorder--antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics

-- Brain stimulation therapy

- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): involve a brief electrical stimulation of the brain while the pt is under anesthesia. 

--Psychological therapy

- CBTs for cognitive distortions, interpersonal therapy, group therapy. 


Learning card (no points)

Non-suicidal self injury (NSSI)

-- Intentional damage to one's own body without suicidal intent

-- Behaviors: cutting, biting, hitting, skin picking, interfering with wound healing

-- Self-loathing, beliefs of being bad, defective, or deserving of punishments are common beliefs

-- Comorbidities: anxiety, MDD, eating disorders, substance use disorders. 


What are some Risk factors?

--Previous suicide attempt (primary risk factor)

-- Hx of suicide in the family 

-- Substance use

-- Psychiatric disorders

-- Access to lethal means

-- Losses and other events

-- Hx of trauma or abuse

-- Chronic physical illness

-- Exposure to the suicidal behaviors of others


What are protective factors for suicide?

--Effective mental health resources

-- Strong social connections

-- Marriage, having children

-- Problem-solving and conflict resolution skills

-- Contact with providers 


What are some warning signs for suicide?

-- Talking or writing about death

-- Making comments of being hopeless, helpless, or worthless

-- Expressions of having no reason to live, no sense of purpose in life. 

-- Increased alcohol or drug misuse

-- Withdrawal from family, friends, and community

-- Reckless behavior

-- Dramatic mood changes

-- Talking about feeling trapped or being a burden to others



What are verbal and non-verbal cues (think overt statements and covert statements....just give an example of each) :)

--Overt: "I wish I were dead", "I can't take it anymore"

-- Covert: "it's okay, soon everything will be better." "I won't be a problem much longer."


What are some interventions for NSSI?


-- Establish a therapeutic relationship

-- Assess for SI

-- Care for wounds/injuries

-- Teaching coping skills

-- Encourage therapy and pharmacotherapy for underlying disorders. 


What are some important interventions for your pt for the nurse to perform?

--Stay with the pt

-- Establish a therapeutic relationship

-- Create a safety plan: 

- warning sings, coping strategies, people who provide distractions, people who the pt can ask for help, professionals or agencies to contact in a crisis, steps to make their environment safe. 

-- Case manager (connecting with resources)

-- Milieu therapy (suicide precautions, interprofessional communication).

-- Documentation (15 min checks)

-- Survivors of suicide (postvention, guild is common, refer to support groups). 


What are some suicide precautions to follow? 

"Think Safety of the pt!" 

-- Plastic utensils, count upon collection

-- Ensure the pts room door remains open, no private room

-- Jump-proof and hang proof bathrooms/rooms

-- Short cords and strings, no shoestrings or belts

-- Sitter within one-arms length distance

-- Lock all utility and med rooms

-- Take all harmful objects away and lock up belongings

-- Search pt for harmful objects, search belongings brought in by visitors

-- Mouth checks with medications 
