Name That Therapy
True or False?
Coping Tools
Just For Fun

This diagnosis is characterized by low mood, low motivation, and lack of enjoyment in activities. 

What is depression (or Major Depressive Disorder, or chronic depression, etc.)?


CSG has an entire separate group program in this building for this type of therapy. 

What is DBT (or Dialectical Behavior Therapy)?


Medication is the only effective treatment for mental illnesses.

False! There are numerous things that can help. 


Writing down one's thoughts and feelings, typically in a designated book.

What is journaling?


Stand up and let the group applaud you. 

Yay, you! You rock the points! (How did it feel to be the center of attention and be applauded?).


This diagnosis can have episodes of increased mood/activity followed by episodes of low moods and low motivation. 

What is bipolar disorder (or bipolar)?


Electrical stimulation of the brain, performed most often on an outpatient basis. Older movies portrayed this therapy as painful and almost barbaric. 

What is ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)?


Approximately one in eight adults in the US have a mental health disorder. 

False. Some statistics say that one in four adults has a diagnosable mental health disorder. 


This is important for good mental health. Some people view it as being "selfish." 

What is self-care?


Say this tongue-twister three times fast: If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? 

Great job!


People with this diagnosis often see and/or hear things that other people don't see/hear. 

What is schizophrenia?


This type of therapy focuses on challenging your cognitive (thinking) processes. 

What is CBT (or Cognitive Behavior Therapy)?


People with severe mental illnesses are unpredictable and dangerous. 

False. Studies show that people with mental health diagnoses are more likely to be VICTIMS of a crime rather than a perpetrator. 


Describe the "Recovery: Expectations vs Reality" yellow poster on the back wall. 

(I'll accept anything that is close to the intended meaning). 


Answer this riddle: Where do animals go to get new tails when they're broken?

What is the retail shop!


This is characterized by mood instability, difficulty in regulating moods, impulsivity, rocky relationships, and sometimes self-injurious behavior. 

What is borderline personality disorder (or BPD)?


Anger is a negative emotion and should only be expressed in limited situations.

False! There is no  such thing as a "negative" emotion. Emotions are simply emotions. What's important is the way we express anger and other emotions. 


Name four different healthy coping skills someone could use for anxiety or depression.

(I'll accept almost anything). Some ideas include: Going to therapy, taking medication as prescribed, going for a walk, listening to music, writing, talking to a support person, playing with a pet, playing a game, watching TV, engaging in a hobby, etc. 


This diagnosis goes beyond not liking one's appearance. There is an obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in their appearance, sometimes to the point of self-mutilation.

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?
