You Have a Friend in Me
True or False
Signs and Symptoms
Name that teacher

What are 2 self-care practices that you can do to help with your mental health?

Engage in regular exercise, get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, practice relaxation techniques (meditation, yoga, or deep breathing), spend time in nature.


True or false-Mental health issues are rare.

False.  Approximately 20% of adolescents have a diagnosable mental health disorder.


Do mental health issues get better without treatment?

Mental health issues do not get better on their own.


This disorder is a combination of a manic phase (a sudden on set of exhilaration and good mood) and a depressive phase (feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and prolonged sadness).

Bi-polar Disorder


What teacher is originally from the Chicago Area?

Mrs. Moldenhauer


What are 2 ways that you can support a friend going through a hard time?

Listen to them without judgement

Believe what they are saying

Ask what adult they feel comfortable talking to

Go with them to a counselor, psychologist, hospital, ext

Stay with them while they call a helpline

Notice and comment on positive changes for encouragement


True or false-People with a mental health illness will not get better.

False.  Once diagnosed, mental health illness is treatable.  While its not usually "cured", it can effectively be managed.


Name 3 people you can go to in school to get help.

Mrs. DeZeeuw- counselor, Ms Konop-Psychologist, Any teacher, Mrs. Girten- community health worker, Any adult that you feel comfortable going too!


Name 3 symptoms of depression.

Feelings of despair and hopelessness.  Detached from life and those around you.  Continued fatigue or loss of energy.  Crying for no apparent reason.  Changes in sleeping/eating pattern.  Lost interest in long standing activities. 


What teacher teaches and farms

Mrs. Kern


What are 2 tools in the calming room to help de-stress?

Fidgets, coloring tools, scented cotton balls, white noise machine, soft lighting, dad jokes, apps available on the chrome book, bulletin board for tips and books on anxiety and weighted blanket


True or false-Mental health disorders are a consequence of bad parenting or personal weakness.

False.  The main risk of mental health disorders are genetics, severe or prolonged stress (such as physical or sexual abuse) or other environmental influences and brain chemistry.


Is medication the only treatment that works for mental health problems.

No, while medication is helpful, there is also therapy and counseling.


This disorder is usually first diagnosed in childhood and is characterized by: inattention, impulsivity, and in some cases hyperactivity. 

Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


What teacher has his black belt and is still studying martial arts?

Mr. Ferron 


How many minutes a day of exercise can help with anxiety

15-30 minutes of moderate exercise 3xs a week.


True or false-About 1/2 of all mental health issues show signs before the age of 14.

True.  Half of all mental illnesses show early signs.  Usually before the age of 14.  and 3/4 of mental illnesses begins before the age of 24.


When going to speak to a counselor do you need to know exactly what you are going to say beforehand.

No.  A counselor is there to listen to whatever is troubling you, and you can open up at your own pace.


What disorder is characterized by vivid flash backs, nightmares, intense distress at real or symbolic reminders of trauma and physical sensations such as: pain, sweating, nausea or trembling. 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


What teacher loves giraffes?

Mrs. Ceithamer


What is a lifestyle adjustment that you can do to help your mental health?

Set realistic goals, manage stress effectively, limit screen time, and have a structured routine.


True or false-Teenage girls are more likely to experience depression than teenage boys.

True.  Teenage girls are almost 3xs more likely to experience depression than teenage boys.


If you call or text 988, who will you reach?

The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.


What mental health disorder is characterized by intense and persistent fear and avoidance of social situations where one could be judged.

Social anxiety disorder (SAD)


What teacher use to box?

Mrs. Shafer
