True or False?
Health promotion

Fact or Myth? Only medication helps mental disorders.

Myth! Many things can help people with mental disorders such relaxation programs, physical activity, regular sleep, learning new skills, different types of arts, and counseling are just a few alternatives.


Lack of appetite or interest in food, dramatic weight loss, upset stomach, abdominal pain, or other gastrointestinal issues with no other known cause. Limited range of preferred foods that becomes even more limited

Eating Disorders


Can mental health issues impact muscle mass and strength?

Yes! Mental disorder can have a hindrance on your overall body.  


Does journalism actually help with mental health?

Yes! Journalism can help with mental distress, anxiety, depression, and stress. It can help you identify negative thought patterns and triggers, and learn to respond to them positively.  


Fact or Myth? Poor mental health is not a big issue for teenagers. They just have mood swings caused by hormonal fluctuations.

Myth! Although, teenagers can have mood swings that does not mean that adolescents may not also struggle with their mental health


poor concentration, feelings of excessive guilt or low self-worth, hopelessness about the future, thoughts about dying or suicide, disrupted sleep, changes in appetite or weight, feeling very tired or low in energy.



Mental Illness can cause increase chance of long lasting conditions. True or False?

True! Long-lasting conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and strokes are some examples. 


Occupation-Diagnoses and treats mental health disorders. Creates individualized treatment plans according to patient needs and circumstances. Meets with patients regularly to provide counseling, treatment and adjust treatment plans as necessary.



Fact or Myth? Nothing can be done to protect people from developing mental health conditions.

 Myth! Many factors can protect people from developing mental health conditions, including strengthening social and emotional skills, seeking help and support early on, developing supportive relationships, having a positive school environment and even healthy sleep patterns!


Difficulty concentrating, feeling irritable, tense, or restless, having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom, excessive worrying, intrusive traumatic memories, obsessive thoughts



A percentage of how many people with mental health conditions will also have sleeping problems?

Around 50% to 80%!


When is mental awareness month?

May! May has been the mental health awareness month since 1949. 


Fact or Myth? The most common mental illnesses in the U.S. are anxiety disorders.

Fact! Anxiety disorders are exceedingly common and affect over 40 million people, or 19.1% of the population! 


Erase or rewrite over a lot. Check and re-check if something is closed, locked, clean, right, or finished. Put things in just the right order, do things a set way. Avoid things, such as numbers or colors that seem unlucky

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


What chemical is often lowered in people with depression?

Dopamine! Dopamine influences positive feelings in your brain.


Name 3 examples of people to talk about your mental health.

Some examples are friends and family, Online forums, support groups, therapists, clubs, hotlines, and religious organizations.
