Does depression have a stigma?
Yes, people think that depression comes from alcohol/drug abuse.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is a 7 day meal plan, aimed at achieving fast weight loss. It is not a long-term weight loss solution, but is known to be effective over the short term.
You can physically see when a person has a mental illness.
South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet begins with a somewhat restricted two-week induction phase — generally producing weight loss of 8 to 13 pounds.
What were the two extremes of bipolar?
Mania and depression
Signs of OCD?
Some signs of OCD are needing everything to be perfect, washing hands multiple times, opening and closing doors multiple times, and overthinking everything.
Acai Diet
Diet Basics There isn’t a specific acai berry diet but rather dieters use acai berry in conjunction with any other weight loss plan they prefer to follow.
Depression is more than feeling sad. It's a chemical imbalance of?
More dangers of fad diets?
Promotes short-term changes, absence of physical activity, and is detrimental to those with chronic diseases.
What is the definition of ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Atkins Diet
Designed to reflect a greater emphasis on healthy, nutritionally dense foods along with portion control.
A person with OCD's coping mechanism is?
To control their surroundings
The cycle of fed diets?
Start diet, restriction, feel deprived and tempted, cravings, give in, and guilt.
Example of mental stigmas?
Some examples of stigmas with mental health are that everyone that has some sort of mental disorder can not properly work, and lack understanding of the people around them.
What two challenges do teenagers with mental illness face in society?
Prejudice and stereotypes
Hollywood Diet
The Hollywood 48-hour miracle diet claims that you will lose 10 pounds in 48 hours. This is a ‘fad’ diet and is not a sustainable weight loss technique. It is essentially a juice fast.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a ____________________ for trauma.
Coping mechanism
What are the dangers of fad diets?
Fad diets can cause serious health issues along with not getting all the nutrition a human body needs.
Signs of ADHD?
Some signs of ADHD are not being able to sit for long periods of time, excessive talking, unable to concentrate of tasks, and not being able to wait there turn.
What is a mental stigma?
A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.
HGG Diet
The core of the HCG diet consists of an extreme Calorie restriction of around 500 Calories a day mainly from lean protein and a daily injection of 125mg of the HCG hormone.
What is the definition of OCD?
Obsessive-Compulsion Disorder
Fad Diets Definition?
Elimination of one or more of the five food groups to lose weight over a short period of time.
What are teens pressured to be?
To be perfect.