What is one thing that you do that is creative?
Example: I like to paint pictures.
Find someone in the group who is mathematical.
Ask the other students for help.
Did you find anyone?
What has a face and two hands but no arms and legs?
a clock
Is it acceptable to work in a job that is creative with the arts in your country?
An artist
A musician in a band
Did you answer in a full sentence?
Find someone who has visited a museum in the last 8 months.
Did you find anyone?
Is it ok for men to be emotional in your country?
Any answer will be acceptable
What was the first picture you saw in the lesson today?
A child painting a picture.
What mental skill is the most important in your country?
( mathematical, emotional, logic, memory, creative)
Any answer will be ok.
Have you ever been to an escape room? How did you do?
Any answer will be fine.
Have you ever taken a test to measure your mental skills? Where? What did you find out?
If not, would you?