Stats Attack!
Take Care :)
True & False
Just Snap Out of It
Help! I Need Somebody!

1 in 5 youth will experience this each year.

What is Mental Illness or Mental Health Problem


Your body's natural reaction to change or anything that you perceive as a challenge or threat.

What is Stress?

Fun Fact: We’re not the strongest or the fastest animals, but we are great at adapting! Because of stress, we can survive and overcome challenges that most animals could not.


Mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

What is True?

Fun Fact: As we've discussed, mental health and physical health are intertwined, so although we may still think of and treat them differently, both are important to check in with and take care of!


Sometimes seen as even worse than having a mental illness itself and make reaching out for help much harder.

What is Stigma

(Not so) Fun Fact: Stigma involves prejudice (negative beliefs/attitudes), stereotypes (harmful labels) and discrimination (exclusionary behaviours) towards an individual or group based on something about them (e.g., mental illness).


A place in Ottawa where youth can learn new coping skills, make friends, and access support for their mental health.

What is YouthNet/ReseauAdo (YNRA)

Question: Does anyone know what kinds of services YNRA offers? Anyone know how to sign up?


The 2nd leading cause of death among youth ages 15-24.

What is Suicide.

Important: The topic of suicide can be overwhelming, but remember that suicide prevention just starts with noticing, sharing, or doing one good thing - and we can ALL make a difference by talking about and being more open about mental health.


Sticking to a routine, getting physical activity, sleeping and eating well, getting outside in nature, going to therapy, etc., are all examples of... 

What are ways to maintain your mental health.

We'd also accept: self-care or positive coping strategies.


People with mental illness cannot be mentally healthy.

What is False?

Fun Fact: Just like physical health, someone dealing with a mental illness can develop coping skills to manage their illness, take care of themselves and live a fulfilling life.


Something Jim Carrey, Winston Churchill, Pete Wentz, Michael Phelps AND Beethoven all have in common.

What is Mental Illness. Despite the stigma around mental illness, so many celebrities, people we look up to, and people who've done amazing things have struggled with their mental health.


What is one person young people need in their lives that research has shown to make a big difference in mental wellbeing and success later in life?

What is a trusted adult / adult ally.

Question: Where could you look for an adult ally? What are the characteristics of a supportive adult figure?


These people are the ones youth report wanting to talk to most when they're having a tough time.

What is Friends / Peers

Fun Fact: That's why YNRA exists, cuz we know that youth are more comfortable talking to other young people about their mental health!


Asking questions like: "What are some emotions I'm feeling?", "What might my body and mind need right now to feel balanced, healthy and strong?" are examples of...

What is checking-in with yourself or making a self-care plan?

We'd also accept: practicing self-awareness, mindfulness.


Feeling hopeless, irritable, loss of energy and being unable to concentrate over a long period of time, might be a sign of Depression.

What is True?

Fun Fact: Although some of these symptoms also occur with other mental health disorders (e.g., like anxiety), taken together, they are usually red flags that may mean the individual is dealing with depression and should seek support (e.g., from family doctor).


"Crazy", "Psycho", "Dangerous", and "Attention-Seeking" are all examples of...

What is stigmatizing/harmful labels?

Fun Fact: Labels are for jars, not people!


A phone line that youth can call when feeling distressed, in crisis or just need to talk to someone.

Bonus points for naming a Ottawa-based one!

What is Kids Help Phone or Youth Services Bureau (YSB) Crisis Line.

Fun Fact: They both also have an online chat service!


61.5% of youth report that THIS is one of the biggest things that stops them from reaching out for help when struggling with mental health.

What is not knowing where to go.


"It's all in your head", "Just stop worrying", "Look on the bright side" and "Some people have it a lot worse" are all examples of:

What is being judgmental / not listening / minimizing

Reflect: What are some things you could say instead to yourself or a friend who's struggling?


If a friend comes to you feeling down or upset and you don't understand what they're going through or don't know what to do, you are not the one who should be helping them.

What is False?

Fun Fact: Although it seems hard to imagine what help you could possibly provide if you aren't a doctor or haven't experienced what they're dealing with, you CAN help them by listening to them, being honest about your own limits, and helping them connect with another person or resource.


Joining advocacy groups, volunteering, and being open to talking about mental health with others are all ways to...

What is reduce stigma (and be the change you want to see in the world!)


An Ottawa region website/phone line that helps children, youth and their families through distressing times by walking them through options for seeking help and even helps them get referred to the right services.

What is 1 Call 1 Click

Fun Fact: Youth Mental Health E-Learning Hub ( also has a ton of great info


The percentage (%) of the population that could get a mental illness.

What is 100%.

Facts: Mental illness affects people of all ages, educational and income levels, and cultures. Although not all of us have or will have a mental illness, we ALL do have the potential to be affected by it either directly or indirectly.


When feeling stressed out or needing some help to deal, this generally accessible tool can provide entertainment, access to support (both social and professional) and tons of coping ideas!

What is a phone (applications) or a computer/the internet (Google, Youtube, online directories)

Facts: This one may seem generic, but BONUS points for any specific site, apps or digital resources youth could access you can name.


People living with schizophrenia are 3 times more likely to commit violent crimes.

What is False?

People with schizophrenia (and mental illness in general) are more likely to be VICTIMS of violent crime than to commit them.


A mood disorder that is more prevalent in Northern countries (e.g., like Canada and Finland) during the wintertime.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)


What you should do FIRST (i.e., before offering resources or calling anyone else) when a friend comes to you for support.

What is listen attentively and show compassion.

Fun Fact: Yep, don't panic or call 911! First, just let them know that you are there to hear them out. Then take the time and effort to really listen in order to understand them and what they need. Sometimes all someone needs to know is that someone cares and is trustworthy to talk to.
