Myth or Fact
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What is consent ?

Consent means when two or more people agree to do something. (Mutual agreement) 


Domestic Violence usually only happens in married adult couples.

Myth: As many as 1/3 of all high and college age young people experience violence on intimate or dating relationships.  Physical abuse is common among high school and college aged couples as married couples. 


What is trauma? 

An emotional and physical response to a stressful event that can be frightening, dangerous, or violent, and that threatens a teen's life or safety.


he singer of the song "Shake it off"

Who is Taylor Swift?


What is the U.S. capitol?

What is Washington D.C.


What does the R stand for in the F.R.I.E.S acronym ? Please give the definition.

REVERSIBLE: Consent is always reversible, which means a person can agree to an activity earlier in the day or week then realize they no longer want to proceed. 


Domestic Violence is the number one cause of injury between the ages of 15-44 in the US-more than car accidents, muggings, and r*pes combined. 

Myth- Of the women murdered each year in the US., 30% are killed by their current husband or boyfriend.


What are common symptoms of trauma? 

Headaches, Flashbacks, Depression, Anxiety, Loss of Interest in activities, Avoidance 


The song that launched Justin Bieber's music career

What is baby?


The tallest mountain in the world

What is Mt. Everest?


What does E stand for in the F.R.I.E.S acronym ? Please give the definition. 

Enthusiastic: This is important when getting consent because only "yes" means "yes."  Is there is any uncertainty or hesitation, then stop!


If a mother is abused  by her children's father, the children are also likely to be abused.

Fact: 50% of men who frequently abuse their wives frequently abuse their children. 


What emotions are related to trauma?

Fear, Sadness, Anger, Anxiousness, Loneliness, Abandonment, etc.


The most decorated Olympian athlete of all time? 

Who is Michael Phelps?


The amount of oceans on Earth

What is 5?


What does Coercion mean ? 

The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

"our problem cannot be solved by any form of coercion but only by agreement"


If a person is really being abused, it's easy for them to just leave. 

Myth: There are many complicated reasons why it's difficult for a person to leave an abusive partner.


What coping skills can be used for trauma ?

Meditation, Deep breathing, CBT, journaling, therapy, etc.


The first sport to be televised in the U.S.

What is Baseball?


The smallest state in the U.S.

What is Rhode Island?


Consent or not Consent ? A person mumbles "yes", but keeps pulling away.

Not consent.  Remember body language is important.


Relationship abuse happens most often among blacks and Hispanics.

Myth: Women of all races are equally likely to be abused by a partner.


What is the difference between a flashback and nightmare? 

Flashback: These are involuntary, intense memories of a past experience that can make it seem like the trauma is happening again. Flashbacks can involve all of the senses, including visual memories, emotions, and physical sensations. They can happen during the day, and can be triggered by things like seeing someone who looks like the assailant, hearing a word that reminds you of the event, or driving past the area where the trauma happened. 

Nightmare: These are dreams that can feel real, but your brain knows you're dreaming. They can be about fears or memories that are too distressing to think about when you're awake, and can take any shape or form. You might dream about the trauma as it happened, or you might merge different events together. Nightmares can be unsettling, and you might wake up with clear memories of them. 


The amount of spaces on a standard monopoly game

What is 40?


What movie has minions and a super villain Gru?

Despicable Me
