How soon your reminder email should be sent out before your session
Within 24 hrs
What PAC stands for
Peer Academic Coaches
The Learning Pyramid that you should be fairly familiar with
Bloom's Taxonomy
Who UO Played in this year's ESPN Game Day Match
Ohio State
What you should be doing when students enter session
Greeting Students
The building where the Accessible Education Center is located
Oregon Hall
The Highest Level of the Pyramid
A movie based on a book written by a UO Graduate
- Fight Club
- Pitch Perfect
Class with the highest CE participation
BI 212
A resource offered by the Duck Nest
-Nap/Meditation Rooms
-Sun Lamps
-Therapy Animals
VARKs Categories
Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic
First Human Civilization
Average amount of session prep time per week
1-3 hours
3 advisors that students can access on campus
- General Academic
- Department Advisors
- Career Advisors (Mohr, General)
- GEO Advisors
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Student Organization Advisor (ex: Pathway, TRiO)
The level of the pyramid that we aim for in CE
Apply (although literally any answer is technically correct).
Micheal Gwynn's Birthday
November 13th
The Optimal Leader/Students talking split
The time Knight Library typically closes on FINALS week
2 am
Every level of Bloom's Taxonomy
Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create
The 5 freedoms Protected by the First Amendment
Press, Speech, Assembly, Religion, Petition the Government