What is a tool you can use to help you manage your time?
What class will note taking benefit you?
When you don’t understand what someone is saying, what do you do?
Ask questions
What are popular social media platforms?
Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest
What is the highest GPA you can earn?
What are some things that high school students struggle managing their time with?
Work, school, sports, friends, family, free time
What is a way you could utilize your notes?
Studying for tests
You cannot listen if you are _______.
What are the cons of Social Media?
Very addicting, cyberbullying, inappropriate media/pictures, catfishing
Who is the superintendent?
How does attendance affect time management and make it harder to manage time?
Creates more work
Name a pitfall or negative effect of not taking notes
Affect homework, studying, quizzes/tests, overall grade
While listening to someone talk, you should get rid of what?
What are the pros of Social Media?
Communication, sharing of news, a tool for schoolwork, research, memes
Name one of the secretaries here at CHS
Pollock, Pumphrey, Dunfee
What is something you could do if you are struggling to manage your time?
Ask someone for advice, get a planner, start a routine, don’t procrastinate
List three different note taking strategies.
Note cards, different colored pens, putting dates on notes
When someone is stating their opinion you should let them finish what they are saying and never ____.
Are you allowed to take videos of other students/teachers on school property?
No, not without permission.
How many credits do you need to graduate?
What is the disadvantage of waiting till the last minute to study for a test?
Something else could come up, forget about it, not have enough time, too late to ask for help
Name a scenario that note taking would be beneficial in?
Open ended
The speaker’s _____ is equally important as the actual words.
How can you use social media in a positive way?
Use appropriate language, no bullying, share kind/positive messages
Name 10 teachers that work at CHS.
Answers may vary.