The QAD if, a child's COE will expire on 12/30/2024.
QAD 12/30/2021
Parent and children (all under 21 years of age) move together, and parent engages in work soon after.
MAW moved "WITH"
Washingtons is currently the nation’s #1 producer of this crop.
Starts student eligibility.
Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD)
Packing Apples
Temporary. This activity is usually done at a processing plant and would be considered qualifying work if it is temporary. Exceptions there are some farms that also pack the apples during harvest in which case this job would be considered seasonal.
The QAD if, a child is born on 7/27/2024 after the workers move on 7/13/2024.
NO QAD: Child was born after qualifying move they can't be added to COE.
Migratory Agricultural Worker (MAW) moves into your district first, children join the MAW within one year.
MAW moved "To-Join"
Without this activity, various fruit trees and vines can become overgrown and produce less fruit. It is typically a winter activity.
Date when the children arrive to the school district.
Residency Date. This date can be different than QAD and is used on COE to note when children arrived to district in To-Join and Precede moves.
Cutting Christmas Trees
True, False or Maybe: The QAD is the date the worker moves and engages in work.
Maybe. In situations where the worker and the children make separate moves (To-Join/Precede) the QAD is when both the children and the worker complete the move. The workers move is not always the QAD.
Adding hormones to fruit.
Date used to determine cut-off date for history of qualifying moves.
Interview Date.
Harvesting Hops
True, False or Maybe. A recruiter can go back 36 months from the last family move to determine qualifying move history.
False. Recruiters interview date determines date cut-off for qualifying move history.
Child is a student who is also the MAW.
Student moved "AS" the worker.
This crop makes Washington the _______ capital of the world.
The term used for children who have completed their 3 years of eligibility.
Termination Date is the term used for end of eligibility date.
Seasonal. Process of moving a young plant from one place to another.