Fraud Protection
Clover Family
Wild Card
What is a way that PNCMS can help speed up cash flow?
Next day availability
What is tokenization & encryption?
This is where the card information is scrambled at the time of swiped and also when coming back into the machine for approval
Which Clover product would be good for a landscaper?
Clover Go or Clover Mobile
You look a business owners account and see credits from "Heartland". What do you say?
When was the last time someone took a look at your pricing? Are you getting any value for what you are paying for? You should speak with en.
What is your branches merchant goal for the year?
What checking accounts have the minimum fees waived with PNCMS?
All of them
Why is it important to have tokenization & encryption as a card acceptor?
This helps fight against fraud (hackers into the system, if someone stole the terminal, etc)
Which Clover product would be good for a doctor's office?
Clover Mini
A business owner tells you to just let him/her know what the best rate is...what do you say?
Mr. Customer....at PNC we pride ourselves on individualized solutions for your business. This is why we ask for statements to determine your volume and types of cards that you take. Any company that offers a flat rate for everyone is doing you a disservice. This is why you should speak with Jen
How many deals have been closed for your branch this year?
What is an Instant Referral
When Jen is invited or called during an account opening to speak to the client in the moment.
Transarmor Solutions comes with Data Breach Protection Insurance...how much is the coverage?
Which Clover Station would work best for a bagel shop?
Clover Station
A customer says "all my clients pay by check". What do you say?
How long do you wait for the check? Ever received a bad check? How many trips to the bank do you make a week? We can simplify the process and speed up your cash flow...you should speak with Jen
How many revenue credits would a platform banker earn from a Clover Go sale with yearly volume under 200k?
5000 revenue credits
What is a benefit of accepting credit cards?
Increased sales, fraud protection, increase cash flow are all acceptable
What is the average cost of a data breach for a small business?
Name one Clover App you have heard of and what it does
Multiple answers....
Customer tells you they are too busy...what do you say?
That's exactly why we would like to speak with you...to help you find more time in your day! Jen has a range of options to help you manage your payments and your business. You really need to speak with Jen
How many revenue credits would a platform banker earn from a Clover Station and processing volume over 1 million per year?
10,000 for processing, 3000 per Clover Station and 1000 for transarmor! Up to 14k in revenue credits for 1 referral!!
Who does PNC process through? If a client calls customer service are they speaking with a PNC employee?
We are partnered with First Data. All of our customer service numbers are manned by PNC employees
Explain EMV
This is the chip technology that has been used in Europe for years. Additional layer of fraud protection or card holders and merchants
I want to run a small clothing store and also offer my items online.....can I do that with Clover?
Yes! Clover Online store is free until the end of the year!
Customer says...I have the lowest rate....what do you say?
How do you know that your rate is low? Have you had a comparison done by Jen? We have a 1000 "meet or beat offer" out there....I think you should speak with Jen
Does the branch earn P&L revenue if the client has merchant with us but their business checking is elsewhere?
No- that is why it is important for us to sell the whole relationship!