How many values does DoorDash have?
12 -
1/ Be an owner
2/ Bias for action
3/ Truth seek
4/ Make room at the table
5/ Dream big, start small
6/ Operate at the lowest level of detail
7/ 1% better every day
8/ Think outside the room
9/ Choose optimism, and have a plan
10/ And, not either/or
11/ Customer-obsessed, not competitor focused
12/ One team, one fight
I use the app to order food because I don't have any groceries. Who am I?
How many people make up our team?
What is the name of the system Teammates use to get chats?
How old is DoorDash?
10 Years
Hot Bag Award
I am a restaurant but I am not really there
Ghost Kitchen
What is the name of our new supervisor?
If T3 receives a case that is T1 capable, what should they do?
Assist as normal and mark the case as an invalid escalation
What is the Logo for DoorDash?
A capital D (that looks like it is dashing)
How can you recognize your coworkers for their hard work company wide?
On Bonusly!
Dashers may reach out to get THIS document from us when applying for a line of credit
Proof of Income
What do we use to escalate TX behavior
QA Escalation Form
When leaving a voicemail, what is required for the Tx to provide in that message?
Who was hired first? Vince or Ryan
Trick question! They were hired the same day and were in the same orientation
What did Vince announce at the July All Hands that is an additional way to recognize our peers' awesome work?
QA Monthly Value Award
What does MXP stand for?
Merchant Experience Partner
When is our next All-Hands meeting
Friday, August 25th
What notes template is the standard for T3
T3 Notes Template
If I want to refer someone for a job, where would I go to do that?
Greenhouse through Okta
Name one person from CXI who won last month's Hot Bag Award
Anna Plumb, Wyatt Fessenden
In Slack, what is the name of the main channel for Tx's to ask SMEs for help?
How often does Vince come to Mexico City
Every Month
If a DRIVE Cx requests a refund with the order value in Dispatch being $0-$10, what is the first thing the Tx needs to do?
How many people work for DoorDash in total?
10,677 - Per dd-water-cooler channel