Founded in this year, Merck for Mothers is pharmaceutical giant Merck’s global maternal health signature initiative.
What is 2011?
These are the three types of agreements we can structure to power our work through Merck for Mothers.
What are grants, collaborations and service agreements?
These two countries have the largest number of annual maternal deaths.
What are India and Nigeria?
Last year, the company announced that we had reached this many women with programs supporting high quality maternal health care.
What is more than 30 million?
These are the four focus countries for Merck for Mothers.
What are India, Kenya, Nigeria and the United States?
This common office equipment, likely used daily, is not an allowable purchase under Merck for Mothers grants.
What are laptop computers?
According to the World Health Organization, this many women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.
What is 800?
This is the number of women we aim to reach with our programs through Merck for Mothers in 2025.
What is 5 million?
The number of markets that have received support through Merck for Mothers to improve maternal health.
What is 73?
What is the likely primary insights color for this category of questions. Hint: We appreciate you, Scott and John.
What is blue?
These are two of top causes of maternal deaths globally.
What are severe bleeding after childbirth/postpartum hemorrhage and high blood pressure during pregnancy/pre-eclampsia and eclampsia?
This quality improvement and accreditation program supported by Merck for Mothers has reached over 1.2 million women in India.
What is Manyata?
Our work through Merck for Mothers supports our company’s commitment to which three Sustainable Development Goals.
What are SDG 3 (SDG 3.1), SDG 5 and SDG 17?
Our activities under Merck for Mothers are linked to this number of company’s products.
What is zero?
This is the only high-income country with an increasing maternal mortality ratio.
What is the United States of America?
This maternal health communications campaign has reached millions of women and providers across the U.S.
What is Hear Her?
This is the name of the largest clinical trial on the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, funded by Merck for Mothers.
What was the CHAMPION trial?
This is a word we always have to remove when writing about Merck for Mothers.
What is “ensure”? OR What is “partner/partners”?
For every $1 invested in maternal health, this is estimated social impact return.
What is $8.4?
A multi-year MfM Global Grant in this country led to reductions in maternal mortality between 50-70% in participating regions.
What is Brazil?