The launch date of Mercy City
The Savior of the World
Who is Jesus
Derek's Favorite Hobby
What is Fishing or Skating
Theme of First Revival Night of the year
What is Red Carpet
The first location of Mercy City Church
What is Dawes Middle School
The first two sons of Adam
Who are Cain and Abel
Aarons state of Origin
What is Alabama
Theme of VBS this year
What is "Start the Party"
The location of the first wedding in Mercy City Church
What is the lobby of Dawes middle school
The 16th book in the bible
Mrs.Chloes Prior Job
What is Speech Pathologist
Amount of Next Gen Salvations in the last 6 Months (Within 10)
The 7 Core Values at Mercy City
What is Community, Discipleship, Evangelism, Servanthood, Generosity, Prayer, Praise and Worship, and Celebration
The writer of Proverbs
Who Is Solomon
Abby's favorite food
What is tacos
200 (Within 10)
The Title of the first ever message
What is "Love at First Sight"
Jesus favorite disciple
Who is John
Pastor Matts Hometown
What is Hastings, Nebraska
Amount of people baptized at Movement in one night