The Incan empire was located primarily in what is now this country, but also in parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador.
What is Peru?
The Aztecs were located in what is now this country, south of the United States.
What is Mexico?
The Maya people lived in this area - along the Gulf of Mexico.
What is the Yucatán Peninsula?
The Olmec people carved 17 of these colossal pieces.
What are giant stone heads?
Olmecs, Mayas, Aztecs and Incas all worshipped multiple gods, a practice called this.
What is polytheism?
The Incans believed this element was the sweat of the sun and a sacred symbol of the emperor.
What is gold?
The capital city of the Aztecs, built around 1200.
What is Tenochtitlan?
A pyramid built by the Maya people that was the tallest building in North America until 1903.
What is Tikal?
The term Olmec is derived from an Aztec word Olmecatl meaning people who live where this substance is made.
What is rubber?
The oldest of the four ancient mesoamerican civilizations.
What is the Olmecs?
Who is Francisco Pizarro?
Cuitlahuac, the next to last Aztec emperor, died in 1520 of this disease, brought to Mesoamérica by the Spanish.
What is small pox?
Mayans created this material using the inner bark of a fig tree.
What is paper?
The symbolic images left behind by the Olmecs, carved into stone, leading many archaeologists to believe they had a written language.
What are glyphs?
This tall crop was important to all mesoamerican civilizations.
What is maize?
A warrior named Pachacuti Inca Yupanwui declared himself Sapa Inca (emperor) in 1438, but this man, the last true Sapa Inca, was executed by the Spanish in 1533.
Who was Atahualpa?
The Spanish Conquistador who conquered the Aztecs.
Who was Hernan Cortes?
The Mayan people used 3 different farming techniques: raised fields in swampy areas, terraced fields in hilly areas, and this technique which also involved crop rotation and kept the soil very fertile.
What was Slash and Burn?
This city is the home of the Great Pyramid of the Olmec, only today it looks more like a small hill.
What is La Venta?
A disease introduced into Mesoamérica by Spanish explorers that killed thousands.
What is small pox?
A group of colored and knotted strings that the Incan people used to record information.
What is Quipu?
The Aztecs performed human sacrifices to give strength to their head God, Huitzilopochtli, the god of these two things.
What are Sun and War?
Tall stone monuments of nobles, rulers, warriors, and gods.
What are Stelae?
This place, discovered in 1987, was a swamp where many Olmec artifacts were preserved, like rubber balls and infant bones.
What is El Manati?
Incan emperor Pachacuti lived in a royal estate which today is this famous tourist attraction.
What is Machu Picchu?