Name the preclassic civilization
Name the three classic civilizations
Teotihuacans, Mayans and Zapotecs
Name the two Postclassic Civilizations
Toltecs & Mexicas (Aztecs)
What does "Mesoamerica" mean?
Middle America
Which was the main products that these civilizations cultivated?
Potatoes, Maize and cotton
From what year to what year did the preclassic period last?
2,500 BC to 200 AD
From what year to what year did the Classic period last for?
200 - 900 A. D
What years did the postclassic cover?
900 - 1591 AD
What are rafts covered with fertile soil called? These are were the Aztecs grew their crops
Name the 5 civilizations of these area
Chavín, Tiahuanaco, Nazca, Moche and Huari
The ball game
What did these civilizations built?
Pyramid of the Sun, Temple of the Inscriptions, Temple of the Snake
What was this period characterized by?
The rise of armed conlifct
The mexica came to an end in 1521, with the arrival of the ____________, who conquered Tenochtitlan.
Name one of the two most important places for the Olmecs
San Lorenzo & La Venta
Which was the main city of this area in this period?
What was the main city of the Incan civilization called?
Machu Picchu
Who had the most power in the Incan civilization?
When did the Olmecs dissapear and why?
Around 400 B.C, the reason is still unknown
Why did Teotihuacan begin to decay?
Internal conflict and infertile soil
Which civilization was nicknamed "The People of the Sun" because they believed they were chosen to keep the sun alive?
The Aztecs
What are big images you can see from the sky? These are manmade
What was the main Incan god called?