This area, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was home to the first cities.
What is Mesopotamia?
This ancient epic poem is one of the oldest known stories.
What is The Epic of Gilgamesh?
This king of Babylon made a famous set of laws.
Who is Hammurabi?
People in Mesopotamia controlled water for farming by building these.
What are irrigation systems?
This first writing system used wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.
What is cuneiforn?
Around 2300 B.C.E., this king created the first empire by taking over many cities.
Who is Sargon of Akkad?
This large, step shaped temple was built in the middle of Mesopotamian cities and used for religion.
What is a ziggurat?
Scribes in Mesopotamia went to special schools to learn this skill.
What is writing?
Hammurabi’s laws followed this idea: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
What is equal punishment?
Sumerian kings may have first started as these leaders in times of trouble.
What are military leaders or priests?
The Sumerians’ number system was based on these three numbers, which we still use for time.
What are 60, 10, 6?
After Sargon’s empire fell, this city became powerful under Hammurabi.
What is Babylon?
The Sumerians believed in many gods, which is called this.
What is polytheism?
She was the first known writer in history and the daughter of King Sargon.
Who is Enheduana?
Hammurabi said his laws came from this Babylonian god of justice.
Who is Shamash?