What is polytheism?
Bottom Rung of Society
Who are slaves?
The earliest epic poem
What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?
The King of Babylon from 1792-1750 BC. He also has a code of laws named after him.
Who is Hammurabi?
This code demanded "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"
A stepped pyramid with a shrine on top
What is a ziggurat?
Kings handing down the king ship to their sons, establishing these.
What are Patriarchal hereditary dynasties?
Sumerian form of writing
What is cuneiform?
This empire had as many as a million subjects
What is the Babylonian Empire?
About one-third of the laws relate to this
What are family matters?
Mesopotamia was part of this, where settled agriculture was first developed
What is the Fertile Crescent?
Kings made alliances with other powerful individuals through this.
What is marriage?
The origins of writing date back to this date
This king conquered a number of Sumerian cities with the world's first permanent army
Who is Sargon?
Hammurabi's law code set a variety of punishments, including fines and physical punishment, including this punishment
What is mutilation, whipping, or burning?
This city was the world's first city, and was formed by 3800 BC
What is Uruk?
Like animals, slaves were a source of this for their owners, providing them an opportunity to amass more wealth and influence.
What is physical power?
Sumerians established these, which flourished by 2500 BC
What are scribal schools?
This empire was expanded westward to northern Syria
What is The Akkadian Empire?
Hammurabi's Law split Babylonian society into these three groups, including this middle group (not superiors or slaves)
What are commoners?
The authority to run the irrigation system was assumed to this group
Who are the Sumerian priests?
Priests, nobles, and kings in Sumerian cities used threats of higher these to maintain order.
The Sumerians made advances in mathematics based on units of these three numbers, which is where we derive our division of hours and minutes.
What are 6,10, and 60?
This language became the diplomatic language used over a wide area
What is Akkadian?
On family matters and other issues, Hammurabi's code influenced other law codes, including those later written down in this scripture
What is Hebrew scripture?