Matthew connects Jesus’ genealogy to who to show that Jesus fulfills the Jewish faith?
What is one of the three reasons why Jesus was baptized?
1- To symbolize our adoption into God’s family
2- To foreshadow his death and resurrection
3- To identify with humanity
Who wrote one of the gospels and was one of Jesus’ inner-circle?
Who had seven demons driven out and was a close follower of Jesus?
Mary Magdalene
What is one of the three reasons why did Jesus performed signs and miracles?
1- To show God’s compassion for the sick, hungry, and hurting
2- To demonstrate what God’s Kingdom looks like breaking into the world
3- To reveal His identity as God
Luke connects Jesus’ genealogy to who to show that Jesus is the savior of all people?
Baptism does not us, but it does symbolize our identity as a in God’s family.
Who wrote one of the gospels and was a tax collector before following Jesus?
Who were the close friends of Jesus whose brother was Lazarus?
Mary and Martha
What is one of the three reasons why the Jewish leaders want to kill Jesus?
1- Religious leaders anger and denial over Jesus claiming authority
2- Conflict over Jewish laws and accusations of blasphemy
3- Fear of losing power and influence
The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem
How did Jesus respond to temptation?
He rejected by quoting scripture.
Who denied he knew Jesus yet was restored and was a leader in the early church?
Jesus revealed he was the Messiah to this person first
The Samaritan woman
What were the two reasons why the Romans wanted to kill Jesus?
1- Rome viewed Jesus as a political threat
2- Pressure from Jewish leaders and fear of a riot
The Messiah would be born of a virgin
Isaiah 7:14
What were the three reasons Jesus taught in parables?
1- To connect with his audience (both men and women)
2- To reveal truth to the willing and conceal truth from the hard-hearted
3- Because stories are memorable and more impactful
Who doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he could touch Jesus’ holes himself?
Who was a Pharisee who came to see Jesus at night with questions?
Who did Jesus appear with in glory at the Transfiguration and what did they symbolize?
Moses - the Law
Elijah - the Prophets
A child will be born with the name Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6-7
What were the three temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness?
1- To turn stones into bread
2- To throw himself down from the temple and have angels catch him
3- To worship Satan in exchange for the power of the world’s kingdoms
Who were the three disciples in Jesus’ inner-circle and were present at Jesus’ transfiguration?
1- Peter
2- James
3- John
Who worked in Herod’s court and supported Jesus’ ministry financially?
What did John the Baptist come to do?
1- Fulfill prophecy
2- Be a forerunner for Christ
3- Preach a message of repentance and baptism