physical change
chemical change
erosion deposition weathering
earth science
electricity and magnets

what is a physical change?

what is a change is a change in matter in which the type of matter that stays the same.


what is a chemical change?

What is change that cannot be changed back in its original state.


What is erosion, deposition and weathering?

What is weathering is breaking down rocks and erosion is the movement the weathered material and deposition is the dropping off of the eroded material.


what are the three matter processes that shape our earths surface

what are the three matter processes that shape our earths surface


what do you need to make a simple circuit?

what is a power source, 2 insulated wires, a light bulb. and a device.


what is a physical property?

what is a physical property is a future of matter that you can recognize with your senses


what are three chemical property

what is burning, cooking, rusting


what are 2 examples of erosion?

what is a Glaciers, and floods.


Hot soft rock from the Earth’s mantle is _____.

  1. sand
  2. limestone
  3. granite
  4. magma

what is a hot soft rock from the earth's mantle is magma.


what is a parallel circuit?

what is an electrical path that branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows through any branch.


A girl named Amy dropped a glass bowl on the ground. Why is it a physical change?

It is a physical change because it is still the same substance.


Give me an example of three chemical reactions.

what is burning fuels, smelting iron, making glass and pottery.


The process by which weathered rock is picked up and moved to a new place?

what is erosion


What is a good effect that a volcano can have?

Volcanic materials ultimately break down and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth.


if a magnet is facing the south pole and the north pole what would happen?

They will pull towards each other.


Name 3 physical property of metal

Conductors of electricity, dense, and shiny things.


Why when you burn a candle why is it a chemical change?

when you burn the wick from a candle it is a chemical change but when you burn the wax it is a physical change.


what does erosion, deposition, and weathering all have in common?

what is Weathering, erosion, and deposition have a cyclical relationship, and are all parts of the same overall cycles of landform change.


What causes volcanoes?

what is At constructive plate boundaries, the tectonic plates are moving away from one another. The Earth's crust is pulled apart to create a new pathway for rising hot magma to flow on to the surface.


what is a property of electromagnets and bar magnets?

a bar magnet is a permanent magnet whereas an electromagnet is a temporary magnet.


why are some physical changes reversible and some are not reversible?

What are physical changes mostly reversible because they can go back to there original matter while some cannot.


Is electricity and static electricity a physical change or chemical change?

What is a physical change because all electricity is a physical change.


How is erosion, deposition and weathering  different from each other.

Weathering is where rocks and minerals are broken down by the elements of nature into smaller pieces. Erosion is the movement of broken-down, weathered rock from place to place, and deposition means the laying down, or depositing, of broken rock.


when magma pushes two plates apart are called?

what is divergent boundary


A student has four items which is an iron bar, a light bulb, a battery, and wire.  Which of these items does the student need to make an electromagnet?

what is a Battery, iron bar, wire?
