Since Last Time...
This Is The Place
Songs of Devotion
Country Life :)

The Hawaiian island that was devastated by wildfires in August 2023. 

What is Maui?


Known for hikes such as Angel's Landing and the Narrows, this is Utah attraction is the third most visited US national park

What is Zion National Park?


Help me to understand his words

Before it grows too late.

What is "I Am a Child of God"?


Known for its iconic Golden Gate Bridge and cable cars, this city is a hub for technology and innovation.

What is San Francisco?


This animal, often referred to as "man's best friend", is commonly kept on farms to herd livestock.

What is a dog?


On March 6, 2024, this politician suspended her campaign for the 2024 presidential election, leaving Donald Trump the presumptive Republican nominee

Who is Nikki Haley?


The Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake are remnants of this massive prehistoric lake.

What is Lake Bonneville?


Searching in darkness, nations have wept;

Watching for dawn, their vigil they’ve kept.

What is "Hark, All Ye Nations!"?


This city hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics and is famous for its Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

What is Sydney?


This crop, known for its tall stalks and sweet kernels, is a staple in both human diets and livestock feed, particularly in the United States.

What is corn?


The Republican party was thrown into disarray in October 2023 when this US congressman was removed from his role as Speaker of the House.

Who is Kevin McCarthy?


After a prolific political career that included being governor of Massachusetts and the Republican nominee for President, this Utah senator announced he is retiring at the age of 77. 

Who is Mitt Romney?


Eyes that are wet now, ere long will be tearless.

Blessings await you in doing what’s right!

What is "Do What Is Right"?


Although only the 18th largest city in the US, this city is home to several large companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Costco, and Starbucks.

What is Seattle?


The process of making cream into butter.

What is to churn?


Known as the Huskies, this school became the first men's college basketball team to win back-to-back national championships in over 15 years.

What is UConn?


The NBA career leader in assists, this former Utah Jazz point guard was known for his connection with teammate Karl Malone.

Who is John Stockton?


Is it enough alone to know

That we must follow him below,

While trav’ling thru this vale of tears?

No, this extends to holier spheres.

What is "Come, Follow Me"?


Located on the Adriatic Sea, this Croatian city is known for its stunning medieval architecture and city walls.

What is Split?


This farming practice involves rotating different crops in the same field to improve soil health and reduce pests without relying heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

What is crop rotation?


On March 26, 2024, and cargo ship ran into a the Francis Scott Key Bridge in this US city, causing it to collapse. 

What is Baltimore?


With 8,464 acres of slopes, this Utah ski resort is the largest ski area in North America.

What is Powder Mountain?


Oh, that each in the day of His coming may say,

“I have fought my way thru;

I have finished the work thou didst give me to do.”

What is "Come, Let Us Anew"?


Situated on the Black Sea coast, this city is known for hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics and is a popular resort destination.

What is Sochi?


This breed of dairy cow, known for its distinctive black and white markings, is the most common breed used for milk production in the United States.

What is a Holstein?
