This can vary greatly from location to location, and from minute to minute
What is Weather?
This is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere with a concentration of 78%
What is Nitrogen?
This condition of an object is defined by the average speed of the object’s molecules.
What is Temperature?
When incoming solar radiation is equal to outgoing longwave radiation, this time of the afternoon represents the warmest time of a typical day
What is 3-5pm?
This occurs when condensation = evaporation
What is Saturation?
It normally rains during winter in California
What is Climate?
Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor belong to this category of gasses, which let sunlight in, but trap escaping longwave radiation.
What are Greenhouse Gasses?
This is the direction that heat travels in
What is from warm object to cold object
At nighttime, temperatures near the ground are this compared to temperatures a few feet above the ground
What is cooler?
The pressure in the atmosphere caused by the presence of water vapor
What is Vapor Pressure?
It was snowing yesterday at Lake Tahoe
What is Weather?
This percentage of the atmosphere lies within the first 30 kilometers
What is 99%?
This happens to air as it rises in the atmosphere (there are three things)
What are expansion, cooling, and condensing?
Areas near this latitude experience an extreme temperature swing from winter to summer
What are near the poles?
Evaporation does this to the atmsophere.
What is cooling?
We don't get hurricanes in Hawaii
What is Climate?
The coldest layer in the atmosphere
What is the Mesosphere?
Only these objects emit electromagnetic radiation
What is everything with a temperature above absolute zero?
When measuring air temperature, these are the three requirements for the accurate placement of a thermometer
What are 1.5-2 meters above the ground, in a shaded, well ventilated shelter?
This is the temperature air needs to be cooled to become saturated
What is the Dew Point?
Our normal temperature is becoming warmer than it used to be.
What is Climate?
"It's snowing outside, so Global Warming must be fake" is an example of this...
What is Pseudoscience?
This radiation, emitted by the sun, consists mainly of near-IR, visible light, and UV radiation
What is shortwave radiation?
Extreme radiational cooling, resulting in the development of dew or frost, happen on these kind of nights.
What are clear, calm, dry, and long nights?
This is the time of day that relative humidity is highest
What is near sunrise?