What is an orbit?
A path taken by an object circling another object.
What is gravity?
The force of attraction between two objects.
When does the velocity of an orbiting object increase when the orbit is elliptical?
When it is close to the sun/planet.
What is an ellipse?
A measurement of how circular an orbit is.
They burn up in the atmosphere.
What is rotation?
The spinning of an object around its axis.
How can we use Newton's third law to describe the gravitational force between to objects?
The forces of gravity are equal but opposite between the two objects.
When does velocity decreases when an object is orbiting an elliptical path?
When the object is far from the sun/planet.
What is the eccentricity of a perfect circle
What caused the Chelyabinsk meteor to become brighter as it entered Earth's atmosphere?
The meteor became brighter as it became hotter.
Energy from friction increased its temperature making it brighter.
What is revolution?
The movement of an object on its orbiting path around a planet/sun.
What happens to gravitational force when distance increases?
The gravitational force becomes weaker.
As velocity increases what kind of energy increases?
Kinetic energy
Mercury has an eccentricity of 0.206.
Uranus has an eccentricity of 0.008.
Which planet has a flatter elliptical orbit?
Why is an asteroid more likely to collide with Earth than a planet?
Asteroids have elliptical orbits
What is the semimajor axis of an elliptical orbit?
The radius of the long axis of an ellipse.
How far out does Earth's gravitational force extend out into space?
Velocity must be in balance to with what force in order to keep an object on its orbital path?
What is one thing that makes a circular orbit different from a elliptical orbit?
Do not say their shape or one is round and one is oval.
A circle has one focal point.
An ellipse has two focal points.
The semimajor axis is longer in an ellipse.
The radius for a circle is constant
How can orbital shapes help us predict space collisions?
Orbital shapes provide information about velocity an object is going.
Orbital shapes help us determine if orbital paths intersect.
What is Kepler's third law?
The period for a planet to orbit the Sun increases when the radius of its orbit increases.
What is the Mathematical formula/equation for gravitational force?
Any of these answers
Fg = G ((m1.m2)/d^2
Fg = (G . m1 . m2)/d^2
Fg = G.m/d^2
What is the Mathematical formula for eccentricity?
e = distance between foci/2 * length of semimajor axis
Where in an elliptical orbit would a collision with Earth be more severe?
On the end that is closer to the sun.
On the end where velocity/kinetic energy is greater.