Role of Logic
Data Analysis
A paradigm that is associated with mixed methods and focuses on what works rather than truth and reality.
What is pragmatism?
Arguing from the general to the particular.
What is deduction?
Mixing quantitative and qualitative data that occurs independently either simultaneously or with time lapse. Strands are planned and implemented to answer related aspect of the same questions.
What is a parallel mixed design?
A strategy that breaks down narrative data and rearranges them to produce categories.
What is categorical data analysis?
A global qualitative research term for how one might persuade his or her audience that the findings from a study are accurate and worth paying attention to.
What is trustworthiness?
A paradigm that is associated with qualitative research and says that truth is collectively constructed.
What is constructivism?
A model used by quantitative researchers that has a priori hypotheses from a theory or conceptual framework from which predictions about behavior are logically deducted and then tested empirically using numerical data and statistical analyses.
What is the hypothetico-deductive model?
Mixing quantitative and qualitative data that occurs across chronological phases of the study. Questions from one strand emerge from a previous strand.
What is a sequential mixed design?
The process by which quantitative data is converted to narratives that can be analyzed qualitatively or qualitative data is converted to quantitative data that can be analyzed quantitatively.
What is data conversion?
A quantitative term for when you want to demonstrate that relationships/results from a study hold when setting, people, measurements, etc. vary.
What is external validity?
A paradigm that allows for prediction at the group level and at the same time acknowledges the value system of the researcher.
What is postpositivism?
Arguing from the particular to the general
What is induction?
A design that does not employ random assignment of participants to treatment conditions but does have experimental units.
What is a quasi-experimental design?
The type of data analysis concerned with numerical data that explores the attributes or characteristics of a sample or population (e.g., Means, Standard Deviations, Frequency Counts).
What is descriptive statistical analysis?
A mixed methods term that describes the extent to which interpretations made on the basis of results meet the professional standards of validity, rigor, credibility and acceptability.
What is inference quality?
A paradigm associated with quantitative research that says that truth can be observed or posited through the scientific method only.
What is positivism?
A model that is like a chain moving from grounded results through inductive inference to general inferences then from general inferences through deductive predictions.
What is the inductive-deductive research cycle?
An approach that has the goal of gaining an in-depth understanding of a culture or group, etc. using participant observation, interviews, and artifacts.
What is an ethnography?
The analysis of numeric data to test hypotheses regarding group differences or relationships between variables.
What is inferential statistical analysis?
A quantitative term that refers to the idea that alternative conclusions based on same results can be ruled out.
What is internal validity?
A paradigm associated with mm that links research results to "wider questions of social inequity and social justice."
What is the transformative perspective?
A methodology for theory development grounded in narrative data.
What is grounded theory?
A design in which the researcher manipulates one or more independent variables to determine their effects on one or more dependent variables.
What is an experimental design?
The analysis that interprets narrative data in the context of a coherent whole "text" that includes interconnections among narrative elements.
What is contextualization?
A mixed methods term that refers to the generalizability or applicability of inferences obtained in a study to other individuals, settings, times, and ways of collecting data.
What is inference transferability?