What does FAPE stand for?
Free Appropriate Public Education
How many areas of eligibility are there in IDEA?
Under what category would you write the duration and length of services?
Who should help with development, review and revision of the IEP as well as participate in education decisions, and reviewing data?
the parent
What is the document you provide to parents reviewing their rights as well as laws and the process governing IEPs and IDEA/State Laws?
Which eligibility defines a difference between a medical dx and an educational dx?
Autism Spectrum Disorder
What is the term used to describe a student participating in general education at the fullest extent?
What service delivery model would you use if you felt the client had successfully met his goals but want to ensure he maintains his skills?
If a child with a language impairment requires visuals paired with auditory input, time for processing, and preferred seating, this is referred to as
If a child does not qualify for special education services, has an interferring medical condition, and has academic needs, what can be developed?
At what age is DD eligibility eliminated, and a child must be eligible under a different category in order to get services?
9 , testing begins at 8
When does a parent need written notice according to article 7?
to inform of meeting, when changes are being made, for an evaluation
Curriculum based instruction
be invited and provide input
FBA and BIP stands for
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Behavior Intervention Plan
If a child has documentation from his doctor with a dx of ADHD, what program would he possibly be eligible for?
After you attempt to contact a parent to set up a meeting and/or provide information, what must you always do?
TO work with an OT or PT in treatment of students with significant cognitive and/or physical impairment is referred to as what SDM?
Co-treatment, collaboration
If a child qualifies for speech services programming, specific learning impairment programming and occupational therapy, a parent can select which service they want to accept.
False they must accept all or none.
The professional in charge of a program area is referred to as
TOR : Teacher of Record
Does a child previously dx with obsessive compulsive disorder automatically qualify for services in the Emotional Disturbances program?
Discussing how the child may miss instruction time and/or time from peers is an example of...
possible harmful effects
What is a benefit of 5 minute drill approach?
You elicit a high number of responses and see the client daily which promotes generalization and consistency .
What must take place to prepare a student for independence and to plan for his/her future.
Transition Conference