Ch 10 LITM
Ch 12 LITM
Ch 11 TE
Ch 4 TV
Thematic Units
Drawing inferences strategy is also called....
What is "reading between the lines"
Students assume the role of a character and writes a series of diary entries from his or her point of view.
What are simulated journals?
This serves as an umbrella for a whole host of activities involving all the language arts.
What is the theme?
Phrases or expressions that have meanings different from the literal. Not the same as cliches or slang.
What is an idiom?
How many books are required as part of the resources and materials portion of the Thematic Unit?
What is 5?
One way to introduce and preview books to the class...
What is a book talk?
Students use to record and react to what they're learning in social studies, science, or other content areas.
What is a learning log?
A type of literature organization that does not help students make text-to-text or text-to-self connections.
What is chronological organization?
Negotiation between each student and the teacher. The student agrees to complete the work designated in the agreement.
What is a book contract?
How are you to present your Thematic Unit to your class?
What is Prezi?
Step 1 in implementing literature circles
What is choosing books
An in depth study of a topic that integrates reading and writing with social studies, science, and other curricular areas.
What is a thematic unit.
At least three possible ways to include writing activities in a thematic unit.
What are essays, research papers, poetry, personal narratives, and/or short stories.
The advantage of this system is that students not only select their own words but do so in the expectation of using them.
What are vocabulary notebooks?
What types of objectives need to be included in the Thematic Unit?
What are TEKS and ELPS?
Choice, Literature, Response...
What are the key features of literature circles?
This connection is important when students are learning content-area information because of the added challenges that unfamiliar topics and academic vocabulary present.
What is the connection between reading and writing?
One of the main novels used in the examples of thematic units in Ch. 11 of TE.
What is Finding My Voice, To Kill A Mockingbird, or The Scarlet Letter?
Students read a book of their choice silently for 15 minutes- and- students read a book of their choice silently as part of the main part of the program. These are the differences between...
What are sustained silent reading and a reading workshop?
How do you ensure your thematic unit will be graded?
What is rating your rubrics and uploading to UAS and Blackboard?
Prereading, reading, responding, exploring, applying.
What are the five stages of the reading process.
List 5 ways to make content-area textbooks more comprehensible.
What is see figure 12-5 on page 329.
Aside from reading and writing, other types of activities that can be included in a thematic unit?
What are creative activities, such as drama, drawing, and music?
Requires the student to justify descriptions of a character by drawing on information and clues the author supplies throughout the text. Also encourages students to reread, make inferences, and construct arguments.
What is comprehension court?
Explain what a thematic unit is.
What is a group of correlated activities that are designed around one theme or topic and across several areas of the curriculum? They build on students' interests and prior knowledge by focusing on topics relevant to their lives.