Métis Culture
Conflict at Red River
Red River Resistance, 1869
Second Métis Uprising, 1885
Mix Bag O' Fun
The 'very functional' symbol of the Métis people.
What is the sash.
The Hudson's Bay Company sold some of its land to this person.
Who is Lord Selkirk.
For years this land was thought to be unfit for 'outsiders' to settle in.
What is Rupert's Land (west Canada).
True or false? The government system of land distribution for the Métis people worked well.
False. The system did not work well and many people did not receive the land that they were entitled to.
His death set the Anglophones into an angry frenzy.
Who is Thomas Scott.
The 2 forms of transportation unique to the Métis people.
What are York boats and Red River carts.
The Selkirk Settlers were from here.
What is the Scottish highlands (Scotland).
The main reason for the purchase of Rupert's Land by the government of Canada.
What is fear that the Americans would try to occupy/claim the area.
The leader of the Métis military.
Who is Gabriel Dumont.
This word means to move locations.
What is migration.
What pemmican is made of.
What is buffalo meat, berries, and fat.
The official name of the Selkirk Colony.
What is the Assiniboia.
The definition of assimilation.
What is a process by which a culture is absorbed into another culture.
The Second Métis Uprising began because of this.
What is the fact that the government of Canada did not listen to the grievances of the Métis and First Nations people.
Prime Minister John A. Macdonald's solution to the Red River issue was the creation of the province of Manitoba. After creating Manitoba, this happened.
Troops were sent to the new province to help keep the peace, but instead, upon arrival to Red River the soldiers mistreated the Métis people.
By 1840, there were about _____ Francophone Métis in the Red River region.
What is 4000.
True or false? The Selkirk Settlers were self-sufficient upon arrival to Red River.
False. The Selkirk Settlers relied on the Métis for food while they prepared the land for their fist crops.
The Métis received most of their requested rights in the Manitoba Act except these 2 things.
What are: -no treaties were given -no right for provincial laws to be decided by residents
The Métis set up their own government at the community of ___________. Which is located in present day Saskatchewan.
What is Batoche.
___________ is to the Francophone perspective, as ____________ is to the Anglophone perspective.
What is Catholic and Protestant.
"No lagging behind or going forward" is a rule of what?
What is the buffalo hunt.
Fearing that his people would starve, the governor of the Selkirk Colony implemented this order.
What is the Pemmican Proclamation.
Put the following events in chronological order: -the creation of the province of Manitoba -the creation of the Métis Bill of Rights -the establishment of a Métis provisional government -surveyors arrive in Red River
What is: -surveyors arrive in Red River -the establishment of a Métis provisional government -the creation of the Métis Bill of Rights -the creation of the province of Manitoba
The following is an excerpt from a famous quote. ".....though every dog in Quebec shall bark......" Who said it, and what were they referring to?
Who is John A. Macdonald and he was referring to the fact that the execution of Louis Riel was going to make the Francophone community very upset.
The reason why Louis Riel was captured by the Canadian government.
The Métis and their allies surrendered, and so did Louis Riel.