what is "the thunder" metonymy for?
what is a synecdoche for Loki?
if your answer is somewhat right you get the points
The trickster, The god of mischief, the shape-shifter
Using the term "Valhalla" to refer to all of Norse mythology is an example of metonymy.
False, its to broad to be metonymy but you could argue its synecdoche
who killed odin
a)Fenrir b)Jormungandr
c)hel d)loki
name the 5 senses
touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing
what is allfather metonymy for
what is a synecdoche for Demeter
the harvest, the grain, the earth
Calling Thor's hammer "Mjölnir" as a representation of Thor himself is an example of synecdoche.
a)Hel b)Hela
c)Charon d)Hera
what is the most populated country
what is the all seeing metonymy
odin or heimdall
what is a synecdoche for sif
golden hair, fields, blessings
Referring to the earth giants(jotnar) as "the frost" is an example of metonymy.
false, the frost is associated with frost giants not earth giants
what gives the gods immortality?
a)Mead b)Golden Apples
c)They Just Are d)Valhalla
Golden apples
what was the hidden word on the 2nd slide of my presentation
what can the frost be metonymy for
frost giants
what is a synecdoche for freyr
The Sword, The Sun, The Boar
Referring to Freyja as "the goddess" is an example of a synecdoche.
what are the names of lokis children?
name at least 3 of the 6
bonus point if you name them all
hel, fenrir, jormungandr, sleipnir, narfi, and vali
how old is earth
4.543 billions years old
what is "the undying" metonomy for?
hint: its a god
name a synecdoche for Tyr
the iron fist, the throne, anything related to tyrants
calling Odin's army "einherjar" is an example of metonymy
false, einherjar is just what odins army is it isn't an attribute of them
who is th egod of boats
a)Ra b)charon
c)Njord d)bjorge
where does coffee originate
east africa