This was the first permanent European settlement in the Central Valley.
What is Sutter's Fort?
Trappers came to California looking for fur from this mammal.
What are beavers?
Russians started this outpost to grow food and trap otters when they realized that Spain/Mexico was not occupying Northern California.
What is Fort Ross?
Rancho Petaluma employed this many people.
What is 600?
Sutter brought a small group of people from these islands to help him start his colony.
What is Hawaii?
Mexican Cowboy
What is a vaquero?
Who is Jose Maria Amador?
He was the first American to cross the Sierra Nevada from the East.
Who is Joseph Reddeford Walker?
Settlements where soldiers were housed.
What is a presidio?
The supervisor of a rancho was called this.
What is a mayordormo?
This was used to make soap and candles.
What is tallow?
She was a traditional healer, like her father Tuhuy.
Who is Alapay (Andrea)?
In the 1830's trappers brought this disease to California, killing 20,000 California Indians.
What is malaria?
During their 1827 expedition to California, he and his father were both jailed.
Who is James Ohio Pattie?
When Mexico gained independence from Spain, California had just seven of these towns.
What is a pueblo?
Each rancho developed this unique symbol to mark property, like cattle.
What is a brand?
Sundried mud bricks.
What is adobe?
When Kilik returned to Condor Village with his father, he found it had been raided and his family had been forcefully taken to this place.
What is a rancho (Rancho Caballeros)?
Mexico secularized the missions in this year.
What is 1833?
His travels in the 1830's helped develop the Old Spanish Trail, from Santa Fe, New Mexico to southern California.
Who is Ewing Young?
The mission system grew to include this many missions in present day California.
What is 21?
This was used for grinding grain.
What is a gristmill?
Sutter's Fort was built on the land of what California Indians?
Who are the Miwok and Maidu/Nisenan?
This European disease killed Kilik's sister Stuk.
What is measles?
Mexico distributed mission land through large land grants where the owners developed these farms and raised cattle.
What are ranchos?
He led 17 men on a trapping expedition in 1826. They crossed the Mojave Desert.
Who is Jedidiah Smith Young?
All of the Mexican settlements were limited to this region of California.
What is the Coast?
Because glass was expensive, these were used as window coverings.
What are bars?
This trail led to Sutter's Fort.
What is the California Trail?
A warrior and vaquero, he is Kalik's son.
Who is Malik (Mateo)?