Ruled Mexico for 35 years before the revolution
Porfirio Díaz
Liberal reformer; became president but was assassinated in 1913
Francisco Madero
Identify one thing the constitution said about land ownership
Allowed redistribution of land
limited foreign ownership
What political party dominated Mexican politics after 1929?
Institutional Revolutionary Party – PRI
Indigenous people were included in the nationalist art of the 1930s (True or false)
What economic system forced peasants to work on large estates?
two revolutionary leaders who fought for land reform
Emiliano Zapata & Pancho Villa
Identify one thing the constitution said about labor
Established minimum wage
right to strike
Who was granted suffrage?
What cultural nationalist focused his art on celebrating Mexican identity?
Diego Rivera
What did the middle class want more of in government?
A greater say/political power
resigned and went into exile after the revolution began
Porfirio Diaz
Identify one thing the constitution said about religion
Limited church land ownership
Identify one way Calles used the money generated from Mexico's taxes.
improved infrastructure
opened schools
What industry did the new government nationalize?
What event in 1910 sparked the revolution?
Díaz’s rigged election against Madero
took power after Madero and ruled as a military dictator
Victoriano Huerta
What happened to Mexico’s natural resources under the new constitution?
Government control/nationalization
U.S. pledged to intervene less in Latin American affairs. in this policy
Good Neighbor Policy
What kind of governments began to appear throughout Latin America because of political nationalism?
How did foreign investment contribute to unrest?
Foreigners controlled natural resources, leading to economic inequality.
elected president in 1917 and helped create the new constitution
Venustiano Carranza
What was one political reform included in the constitution?
Set term limits for elected officials.
What event hurt the economic progress being made in Mexico?
Great Depression
Give an example of economic nationalism
Nations were determined to develop their own industries
Local entrepreneurs set up factories
Governments raised tariffs on imported goods
Governments invested directly in businesses
Some nations took over foreign owned interests