Mexico 1
Mexico 2
Mexico 3
Mexico 4
Mexico 5

People have been living in the area of Mexico for about how long?

about 13,000 years

For about 13,000 years, humans have been living in the area of Mexico. The region has witnessed the rise and fall of major empires of world history.


Antonio de Santa Ana was president of Mexico during which conflict?

Mexican-American War 

Santa Ana was the leader of Mexico during the Mexican-American War of the 1840s. In a time of fractious politics, the president was unable to put together a force cohesive enough to beat back the American invasion.


The Mexican Constitution of 1857 did NOT guarantee which of the following rights?

Communist crop communes 

There were no Communist leanings in the Mexican constitution. Instead, this document bears some eerie resemblances to the one created by Mexico's northern neighbor.


In 1845, the United States annexed land and turned it into a new state. What state was it?


In 1845, America annexed the Republic of Texas, which Mexico still regarded as part of its country. Then, the U.S. granted Texas statehood.


Who was U.S. president during the Mexican-American War?

James Polk

James Polk wanted areas of the Southwest for the U.S., and made overtures to Mexican authorities in hopes of purchasing those lands. When they rejected his offer, Polk instead used force to seize Texas, and more.


Before he became an 19th-century Mexican president, what career did Antonio de Santa Ana pursue?


Santa Ana is one of Mexico's most famous historical figures. He was a career military man who wound up as president, and in spite of many setbacks, managed to stay there for a long time.


Mexico is currently comprised of how many states?


The number of states has changed over time. Currently, Mexico is made up of 31 states, along with one federal district.


Who was Miguel Hidalgo?

the father of the country 

The Roman Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is often called the father of Mexico. At the beginning of the war for independence, he called men to arms and told them to fight off the Spanish.


Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés destroyed the Aztec Empire with just a few hundred soldiers. How did he manage this feat?

political manipulation 

In the early 1500s, Hernán Cortés landed in the region with just a few hundred soldiers. But he pitted the locals against one another, slowly but surely bringing the mighty Aztec Empire to its knees.


What problem fed the flames of the 1910 Mexican Revolution?

imbalance of wealth 

In 1910, Mexico's lower class was disgusted with the country's imbalance of wealth and power. The Revolution caught fire … and nearly 2 million people died in the 10-year civil war.


The Mayans were an ancient people who lived in the region. They are renowned for which cultural development?

writing system 

Many historians believe the Mayans were an extremely advanced culture. The Mayans developed a complex writing system and shared information over a broad geographical area.


What happened during the 1854 Reforma?

The political system was overthrown. 

In 1854, liberals gained momentum in Mexico. They toppled President Santa Ana and began creating a Mexican constitution, which would be ratified in 1857.


The 1810 Battle of Calderón Bridge was part of the War of Independence. It found 100,000 insurgent troops facing how many Spanish regulars?

about 7,000 

At the Battle of Calderón Bridge, about 100,000 insurgents faced off against just 7,000 Spanish regulars. The battle should've been a rout. But things took an unexpected turn.


What day is the Mexican equivalent of America's Fourth of July?

September 16

September 16 is Mexican Independence Day. It marks the day that a true uprising gained momentum against Spanish leaders, culminating in independence 11 years later.


Which country invaded Mexico in 1861?


In 1861, France (with the help of Britain and Spain) invaded Mexico and occupied Veracruz. The European powers were retaliating because Mexico paused its repayment of debts.


In the 1500s, which nation conquered much of the area of Mexico?


In the 16th century, European nations were busy in colonizing many far-flung areas of the world. Spain conquered much of Mesoamerica, including the area that would become Mexico.


The Olmecs were the first ancient civilization in the region. What did they pioneer?


The Olmecs were concentrated in the southern part of what's now Mexico. They learned agriculture and used farming to grow beans, corn, chile peppers and other crops that are still popular in the area.


Who won at the Battle of Calderón Bridge?

The Spanish won. 

Although they were outnumbered 10 to 1, the Spanish won the Battle of Calderón Bridge. They were heavily armed against the 100,000 rebels, many of whom had primitive weapons. The crushing defeat meant that it would be a decade before the rebels won independence.


Which issue triggered the Mexican-American War?


United States leaders made clear their interest in the lands between Mexico and America (and even tried to buy it), but the conflict boiled over into war. The U.S. won the war, and Mexico lost about 30% of its land.


Who was Maximilian I?

the Emperor of Mexico 

In 1861, France invaded Mexico to prevent Mexico from backing out of its loan repayments. Then, with help of wealthy Mexicans, the French installed Maximilian I as the Emperor of Mexico.


Mexico City is built on the ruins of what?

the old Aztec capital

Spanish conquerors destroyed the ancient Aztec Empire capital. Then, they began rebuilding what became known was Mexico City, now one of the world's biggest metropolitan areas.  


In 2006, the Mexican government began using its military for which purpose?

to stop violence related to drug trafficking 

Mexico's drug cartels wax and wane in power, sometimes using violence to get the upper hand on their rivals. In 2006, the violence ecalated to an alarming degree, and the Mexican Army stepped in to slow the bloodshed.


Since 2006, about how many people have been killed due to organized crime in Mexico?

about 200,000 

The carnage of the Mexican Drug War is hard to overstate. Since 2006, about 200,000 people have been killed, and more than 1.5 million people have been forced to move to escape violence.


Who is "El Chapo"?

a former drug cartel leader 

Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán shot to fame as a leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, and made incredible amounts of money as the boss. He's been arrested (and escaped) multiple times but is now in U.S. custody.


How did the reign of puppet leader Maximilian I end?

by firing squad

Just a few years after becoming a puppet leader of Mexico, Maximilian I faced an armed uprising. He and his men were cornered and captured … and then executed by firing squad.  
