The Border Itself
War With Mexico
The Establishment Of The U.S.-Mexico Border
U.S. Immigration Policy

The Mexico US border has this type of wire on its fencing.

What is barbed?


For $15 million, the United States purchased more than a half million square miles of formerly Mexican land. Name a state that is in that area.

What are California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah, as well as portions of present-day Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Kansas?


Fill in the blank: The modern border took shape following the ____-_____ War.

What is Mexican-American?


Fill in the blank: H.R. 4437 would have increased U.S. military power and presence on the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as increasing federal power in the ____ immigration process.

What is legal?


Fill in the blank: The border between the United States and Mexico stretches for nearly _____ miles.

What is 2,000?


The secession of Texas in this year, marked the beginning of the loss of Mexican territory that would become the present-day U.S. Southwest.

What is 1836?


American forces captured the this in September 1847.

What is the Mexican capital?


Fill in the blank: The Rio Grande formed the ____ ____ between Texas and Mexico.

What is dividing line?


Which of the following events led to the United States tightening Border security in 1916?

A: The Pancho Villa's raid on Columbus, New Mexico

B: The Mexican Revolution

C: The erection of the first fence by the U.S. Bureau of Animal Industry

D: The passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act

What is D?


Mexico won its independence from Spain in this year.

What is 1821?


After winning its independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico stretched as far north as this region.

What is the Oregon Territory?


Fill in the blank: U.S. President ____ __ ___ captured the White House in 1844 on a pledge to enlarge U.S. territory.

What is James K. Polk?


Following this purchase, the borders of Arizona and New Mexico moved farther south from the Gila River.

What is the Gadsden Purchase?

In the decades following the Mexican-American War, there were none of these limits on immigration from Mexico.

What is federal?


The ACLU stands for this.

What is the American Civil Liberties Union?


Which of the following is NOT used on the Mexico-US Border:

A: Drones

B: Underground sensors

C: Boats

D: None of the above

What is D?


Following one of these on April 25, 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico.

What is a Mexican cavalry attack?


The Gadsden Purchase was in this year.

What is 1853?


Fill in the blank: According to St. John, the  ____ _____ _____ ______ erected the first fence along the frontier in 1909 to stop the trans-border movement of cattle.

What is the U.S. Bureau of Animal Industry?


Approximately these many Mexican immigrants resided in the United States in 2016.

What is 11.6 million?


Fill in the blank: The Rio Grande runs along ____ miles of the border.

What is 1,254?


Under the 1848 Treaty of ________ _______, Mexico formally recognized the American annexation of Texas.

What is Guadalupe Hidalgo?


Fill in the blanks. While the ___ ____ formed the dividing line between Texas and ____, the border originally moved west from El Paso on a straight line to the ___ River and then on another straight line to the ______ Ocean south of ___ Diego.

What is Rio grande, Mexico, Gila, Pacific, and San?


The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 4437 in December of this year.

What is 2005?


Fill in the blanks: The United States began the installation of border fences to restrict the movement of unlawful immigrants and ___ in 1993 when President Bill ______ ordered the construction of a 14-mile barrier between San Diego and _____. The Secure Fence Act of 2006 authorized the construction of 700 miles of border _____ and vehicle barriers.

What is drugs, Clinton, Tijuana, and fencing?
