This front line cardiac drug is used to treat PEA in cardiac arrest.
What is Epi 1:10,000
This drug and dose is used to treat bradycardia in PTs >14 years old if time permits while preparing to pace.
What is 1mg of Atropine
These 4 categories of questions must be answered correctly to allow a competent adult to make their own responsible medical decisions
What are Person, Place, Time & Event
Pts with a blood sugar below ____ should be administered oral glutose paste if they are able to protect their own airway.
What is 70 g/dL
This exam is given immediately when you suspect a stroke
What is a FAST exam?
This inclusionary test is used to assist in identifying cardiac dysrhythmia
What is a 12-lead EKG?
This drug and dose is used as a adjunct to treat >14 year old PTs with allergic reactions after they have been treated with Benedryl to aid in respiratory distress improvement
What is 10mg Dexamethasone IV/IM?
What is NS 20 mL/kg IV/IO Max 1L
This common medical emergency is characterized by a rapid loss in consciousness followed by a rapid spontaneous return to normal baseline consciousness
What is a Syncopal Episode?
This condition makes some say "I'm mad as a hatter, blind as a bat, red as a beet, and dry as a bone."
This site is the preferred location for starting intraosseous fluid access in PTs greater than 14 years of age
What is Humeral Head?
This dose and route of opioid antagonist would be given to an unconscious PT found with respiratory depression due to suspected opioid toxicity
What is Naloxone
0.5mg IV/IO or 2mg IN
Pt's taking this class of drugs require transport to a trauma center after a fall with head strike
At these two times you record APGAR scores after delivery of a child in the field
What are 1 minute and 5 minutes?
This condition is known by having more than one seizure without a return to consciousness between seizure
What is Status Epilepticus?
In a pulseless PT with persistent asystole, This drug & dose is given how often during active CPR.
What is EPI 1:10,000 every 3-5 minutes?
This antiemetic dose is used to treat PTs with nausea and vomiting. It is not effective in all PTs so repeat doses rarely have greater effect than the initial dose.
What is 4mg Zofran?
This common medical emergency is most often characterized by finding an unconscious or AMS PT in their bathroom near the toilet.
What is Vasovagal Syncope? Commonly known by the slang term "Vagaling down".
A <6 year old child presents with a sudden mentation change accompanied by twitching and jerky movements. PT is warm to the touch. This suspected DX is
What are Febrile Seizures?
This pneumonic is used to help remember common causes of altered mental statuses
What is AEIOU - TIPS?
What is Vector Change Defibrillation or Double Sequential Defibrillation?
In a pre-eclamptic or eclamptic PT who is symptomatic, this first line medication can be given without IV access in this quantity at this site.
What is Magnesium Sulfate 10g IM, half in each buttocks.
At an MCI scene, you come across a PT that is apneic. After reposition the airway there is no change. The color tag for this PT is.
What is a black tag?
92 year old Female PT presents with a wet cough, fever, chills, and tachycardia. This alert should be sent to the hospital
What is Code Sepsis?
Increased blood pressure, decreased pulse rate, and irregular respirations are collectively known as..
What is Cushing's Triad?