These two terpenes help with muscle spasms/ convulsions.
What are Linalool and Caryophyllene?
A less commonly used DELTA that, when unaltered, produces little to no psycho activity and is usually classified as “hemp”.
What is Delta 8 THC?
This ancient culture combined cannabis and honey to “cool the female uterus”.
What was (Ancient) Egypt?
This delivery method provides instant relief and wears off rapidly.
What is inhalation
What is the cannabinoid that helps stimulate the appetite?
What is THC?
Is the only terpene that helps with memory besides Pinene.
What is Eucalyptol?
Thanks to president Trump in 2017, this DELTA is federally legal and accessible in all 50 of the United States of America.
What is Delta 8 THC?
This ancient culture used ground cannabis seeds to help with nocturnal emissions.
What was (Ancient) Greece?
This delivery route is the least controllable.
What is edible?
These two cannabinoids help protect the nervous system.
What are THC and CBD?
This terpene helps with muscle and joint pain relief.
What is Borneol?
The most commonly DELTA used for of THC produced and consumed in the United States.
What is Delta 9 THC?
This ancient culture mandated hemp fields be grown close to the capital for emergency bow string use in case of invasion.
What was (Ancient) China?
This delivery route is widely considered the ‘most medicinal’.
What is sublingual?
What is the only cannabinoid shown to help reduce blood sugar levels?
What is CBD?
These two terpenes are found in tea tree.
What are Nerolidol and Terpinolene?
This DELTA is fully legal and unrestricted in 24 of the United States and completely illegal in 6.
What is Delta 9 THC?
These two ancient cultures used braziers and cannabis to enhance funeral ceremonies and spiritual services.
What were (Ancient) China and Egypt?
This delivery route can be very helpful for abdominal cramping (if you’re willing to go there).
What is suppository?
These cannabinoids help muscle spasms.
What are THC, CBD, CBN, THCa?
This terpene has shown improved health in diabetics.
What is Ocimene?
A lesser known DELTA that is sativa specific. Bonding to a different part of the receptor has been shown to produce less psycho activity than even hemp.
What is DELTA 10 THC?
This culture was the first to trade cannabis along what would later become the “Silk Road” spanning Europe and Asia.
What was the Yamnaya?
These three routes are all fast acting showing results as soon as 15-30 minutes and lasting anywhere between 3 and 6 hours.
What are Oral, suppository, and sublingual?
CBD is known for helping with inflammation and anxiety while inhibiting tumor/cancer cell growth. These other two cannabinoids also help with all three.
What are THC, CBG, CBC?