What is the kind of service MFLC's provide?
Non-medical, walk around counseling services
What does the acronym MFLC stand for?
Military and Family Life Counselor
Who do MFLC's serve?
Active Duty, National Guard, Reserves, Families, Survivors, and Civilian Expeditionary Workforce
Where are Child and Youth MFLC's located?
CDC's, Schools, Summer Camps, School events, Family Centers
What are the ways MFLC's can meet a Service Member?
Face to Face, Individual, Groups, Workshops, and Presentations
What are situations that Child and Youth MFLC's can help with?
deployment, problem-solving, self-esteem, bullying, challenges when changing schools
How to contact your local MFLC?
By phone, through the Family Readiness Center, at your school
Are CYB MFLCs allowed to do special needs assessments?
No, CYB MFLCs cannot be written into individual education plans or do special needs assessments.
What is confidentiality?
Private, no documentation, except for harm to self and others
Name situations that MFLC's will refer for?
Crisis situations, PTSD, Fitness for duty evaluations, or long term counseling