Territories are this shape
This flag has a sunflower on it
The Kansas Republic
Every turn you gain _ actions you can use for different things. The rest of this area will include some things you can do for actions.
Slingers is the _____ ranged infantry unit you get at the start of the game and takes 250 materials, food, water, and 1000 population to make.
Are you human?
Every country starts with this type of city
A Capital City
Bolithia's flag had 3 colors: Red, Black, and this Color
The different resources are power, population, Wood, ____, and Minerals.
The knight is a more defensive version of this type of this unit
The U.S. Flag has this many stars
You can ____ with other countries for 1 action which makes trade cheaper by one action and unable to declare war on them.
The New __________ Republic basically stole the "golden state's" flag.
If you are at war with someone but want to end it, you can pay one action to start this type of treaty where all people at war on both sides can agree on what things the other countries should do.
Peace Treaty
For now, this type of unit is only supportive
India borders this large country
Power is calculated by __________ multiplied by 2
This old flag was blue, white, and black
The Northern Islands
After you choose where your capital is you now have to choose the name for the capital and the name of your country by going to this type of slide and entering your information.
Country Slide
You can disband an army for 1 action but you cannot _______ the army the same turn you created it.
If you get this question wrong, you earn 2400.
If you get this question right, you earn double.
If you don't know the answer, the answer is the amount you earn if you get this right.
You can only make one of this per turn
You can make 1 Unit Per turn
This empire has a U.S. flag but replaced the stars with George Washington
The Washington Empire
For one action you can declare war on someone, this is where you can freely capture enemy territory for one action and cities can be ______. You also can't trade with them or their allies.
______: You cannot see any cities on these tiles unless you are in the person who owns its territory. Also their capital name will not be listed.
What's Parker's 5th Period Class