Groups & Teams
Control & Quality
Information Systems
Melissa was promoted to manager based on her display of great self-confidence and her intelligence. This is what these are considered.
What are leadership traits?
Communication is said to be this when the message received is basically the same in meaning as the message that was sent.
What is effective?
The project group was finally at the stage in which the roles were clear, the group was not completely dependent on a leader, and members were trusting one another and getting along. The project group was likely in this stage of group development.
What is the dynamic stage?
Income statements, balance sheets, and audits are examples of this type of control.
What is financial control?
Information that presents all pertinent facts that are available describes this characteristic of useful information.
What is complete information?
These are the two types of behaviors expected to be most important to leadership.
What are task and people behaviors?
This is a disadvantage of written communication.
What is inhibiting feedback, exchange, or requiring a great deal of preparation?
In Pat's prior group experiences, the group always took a bathroom break about halfway through the meeting. The expectation that his new group would do this as well is likely due to this reason group norms are developed.
What are imported behaviors?
At McDonalds, this target against which subsequent performance is compared is to fill each order within 90 seconds and to have no customer wait longer than 3.5 minutes.
What is the control standard?
A retina scanner and computer mouse are examples of this component of an information system.
What is an input medium?
This type of follower only does what they are told to do. They are dependent and uncritical thinkers.
What are passive followers?
Peter and Olivia are peers at the same level of the organization that communicate to coordinate activities and solve problems. This describes the type of communication in which they are engaging.
What is horizontal communication?
Marketing and Finance always fight over who will get more money for the next budget year. This describes the conflict between this two departments.
What is intergroup conflict?
A company that carefully evaluates its raw materials is using this kind of operational control.
What is a preliminary control?
Theresa tracks her credit card spending on her card's secure website. Each day her purchases are processed by this type of information system.
What is a transaction processing system?
This approach to leadership assumes the appropriate leader style will vary from one set of circumstances to another.
What is the situational approach to leadership?
Walter is dressed very professionally for his job interview. This represents this type of communication.
What is non-verbal communication?
These are methods used to control conflict in groups and teams.
What is increasing the resource base, enhancing coordination, focusing group members on goals, or matching the personalities and work habits of employees.
Deciding the number of tables needed in a restaurant is this type of operation system decision.
What is capacity?
Joan is the CEO of a marketing firm. At the start of each day, she logs on to her computer and reviews the external trends and patterns to decide where to place her next advertisements. This is the type of information system Joan is using.
What is an executive support system?
These are three characteristics of subordinates that substitute for leadership.
What are ability, experience, need for independence, professional orientation, and/or indifference towards organizational goals.
This type of communication network typically involves two people that disseminate information to others.
What is the "Y-pattern" network?
This approach to resolving conflict involves analyzing and predicting the probabilities and potential outcomes of every possible choice and move in a conflict situation.
What is the mathematical or game theory approach?
In building a model home, this type of layout, which involves bringing the materials and labor to the place where the home is being assembled, is recommended.
What is a fixed-position layout?
This is a communication network that allows selected outsiders limited access to an organization's internal information system.
What is an extranet?