When a consumer experiences a mental discomfort or anxiety that motivates action
What is a need state.
The understanding of consumers’ activities, interests, and opinions.
What is psychographics
The situation analysis of an advertising plan includes historical context, and analyses of the industry, the market, and competitors. TRUE or FALSE
What is True
I just purchased 10% share of the LV Raiders.
Who is Tom Brady.
The consumers first option for information is to draw on personal experience and prior knowledge
What is internal search
The representation of a product so it will occupy a distinct place in the consumer's mind.
What is positioning.
Buy brands based on sales, discount coupons, or other incentives.
What are variety seekers.
A small group of consumer with unique needs and willing to pay a premium price
What is niche market.
Consumers with brand preferences still developing, a segment made up of a constant influx of first-time buyers.
What are emergent consumers
The anxiety or regret that lingers after a consumer makes a difficult purchase decision is referred to as
What is cognitive dissonance
A market segment made up of the gradual but constant influx of first-time buyers.
Who are emergent consumers.
Consumer decision making that involves low involvement and low experience
What is limited problem solving.
Statement of the benefits of the brand that provide value to its target consumers and includes functional, emotional, and self-expressive benefits
What is a value proposition.