Virtuality can be defined as?
The Degree of electronic communication among teams
Grandpa went on a walk and it started to rain. He didn't have a hat or an umbrella so ran home. When he arrived home, his clothes were soaked but not a hair on his head was wet. How is this?
He is Bald
What was the result of the Hawthorn Studies?
No visible impact from the different factors
Who is the person who guides and motivates a team toward success?
A Leader
Each team collectively picks one member to participate in this activity
You must start with the cookie on your forehead and get it into your mouth without using your hands (or anyone else's hands)
The first team to get the cookie in their mouth wins the points
What is an example of high and low media richness?
High: Face-to-Face; Low: Texting
What is full of holes but still holds water?
A sponge
What is a moderator variable?
A relationship between two variables affected by a third variable may determine under what conditions that relationship is particularly strong
What are conjunctive tasks?
Each team member completes their parts (relay race/group presentation)
Chopstick Pasta Challenge
Use a chopstick to pick up 5 pieces of pasta
Person one picks up the first piece of pasta with the chopstick
Person two picks up the second piece of pasta, which stacks onto the first piece
Person three picks up the third piece pasta, etc
First team to complete all 5 pieces wins the challenge and wins the points
What are the personal disadvantages of virtual teams?
Isolation, Increased Miscommunication, and Increased Conflict
What building has the most stories?
What theory proposed that productivity of individual workers could be improved using scientific methods?
Principles of Scientific Management
The game we are currently playing, Jeopardy, is an example of Compensatory tasks (true or false)
Team Cup Flipping Challenge
Line up in a row (standing) next to the table
Each team gets 5 cups
Place the cups facing down on the table
Person one goes, tries to flip the cup by placing it on the edge of the table and flipping it up with their hand, landing it right side up
Once they complete the flip, person two goes, then person three after, etc
The first team to have all of their cups flipped right side up will win the points
What are the personal advantages of virtual teams?
Flexibility, Control over time, Empowerment
What 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Who is known for research in group dynamics, field theory, and action research?
Kurt Lewin
What term refers to a team’s ability to work together effectively toward a shared goal?
Tangled Team Challenge
Team forms a circle standing shoulder to shoulder
Everyone puts their left hand in first and grabs the hand of another teammate (this person cannot be your neighbor)
Next, everyone puts their right hand in and grabs the hand of a different teammate
The team must untangle without releasing hands (you can participants duck, twist and turn, squeeze through gaps in legs and elbows, step and jump)
First group to get untangled and form a circle again wins the points
How does virtual communication impact status differences at the workplace versus in student groups?
Equalizes difference in student groups; no effect on workplace groups
If two's company, three’s a crowd. What are 4 and 5?
What is an action team?
Team that engages in brief performances that require specialized skills
Hackman’s 3 primary definitions of success relate to?
The task, Social relations, The individual
Silent Birthday Lineup
This activity should be completed in total silence
The goal of this activity is to line the group up according to their birthdays (month and day) without talking
The line should begin with January 1st and end with December 31st
First group to line up in the correct order, silently, wins the points
If both teams fail to line up in the correct order no one wins the points