Vocab Mania
"The Signmaker's Assistant"
"The Trouble with Signs"
To Be or Not To Be
Mixed Bowl

 This word that means the same as the underlined definition.

The old men that work for the king are filled with knowledge.

What is wisdom?


  What is the genre of this story?

a) realistic fiction

b) play

c) humorous fiction

d) nonfiction

c) humorous fiction


This is the genre of this story.

a) biography?

b) play

c) poetry

d) informational text

What is a b) play?


These are the correct present verbs for each subject:

I ___

He ___

They ___

What is...

I am

He is

They are


This word is defined below:

(adv.) possibly but not certainly

a) without

b) inform

c) perhaps

d) chase

What is c)perhaps?


This word means the same as the underlined definition.

April 1 is a day in America when people are encouraged to do something to surprise or confuse others and to make others laugh.

What is trick?


Choose the best answer:

What do people NOT do because of Norman's signs?

a) They eat their hats.
b) They stop to let ants cross the street.

c) They buy presents for Norman

d) They go to school.

What is d) They go to school.


These are the characters in the story.

Who are Ana and Ben?


These are the correct past verbs for each subject:

I ___

He ___

They ___

What is...

I was

He was

They were


This is an antonym for agree.

What is disagree?


The word means the same as the underlined definition.

Ms. Wright and my mom feel the same way about how great my school work is.

What is agree?


What does the following sentence mean:

"Norman was feverishly painting."

a) Norman was making many mistakes while he was painting.

b) Norman was painting quickly.

c)Norman was learning how to paint.

d) Norman was bored of painting.

What is b) Norman was painting quickly.


This is what these three things are: Polly's Place, Fresh Berries, Carla's Cooking Class

What are signs?


This sentence is written correctly.

a) Last week, he man is tearing the signs off the walls.

b) The old magician was sharing his wisdom with his pupils.

c) The students are taking a test without talking to each other last month.

d) The boy is chasing his sister yesterday.

What is b) The old magician was sharing his wisdom with his pupils.


This past verb completes the sentence below:

Eric and Shawn _____ following the signs to get to the building.

What is were?


Complete this analogy.

produce: create :: see: __________

What is realize?


How is Norman's last sign different from his other signs?

a) His last sign is mean, but his other signs are not.

b) His last sign angers the townspeople, but his other signs do not.

c) His last sign is funny, but his other signs are not.

d) His last sign is an apology, but his other signs are not.

What is d) His last sign is an apology, but his other signs are not.


What is the meaning of the underlined phrase?

"I'm talking about a fork in the road!"

a) a place in the road where people can go in different directions

b) a fork that somebody threw out of a car

c) a place in the road where people need to bring forks

d) a fork that helps people eat berries when they drive

What is a) a place in the road where people can go in different directions


This is the correct verb to complete this sentence.

You ____ eight years old last year.

What is were?


What is the purpose of a humorous fiction genre?

a) to inform

b) to entertain

c) to persuade

d) to inquire

What is  b) to entertain?


Complete the sentence:

The witness _________ the police of what she saw during the bank robbery.

What is informed?


How is the problem in the story solved?

a) The townspeople help the signmaker make new signs.

b) Norman puts up new signs and cleans up the town.

c) Norman leaves the town.

d) The signmaker puts up new signs and fires Norman

What is b) Norman puts up new signs and cleans up the town.


This is the meaning of the expression,

"Are you tearing out your hair?"

a) Are you losing your hair?

b) Is your hair too long?

c) Are you getting upset?

d) Do you hate your hair?

What is c) Are you getting upset?


This sentence is writing incorrectly. Also correct the sentence.

a) She is often confused.

b) The boys are playing tricks on their teachers.

c) He is explaining the signs to her.

d) I are informing my friends about my birthday party.

What d) I are informing my friends about my birthday party. 

Are should be am.

This is the correct word to finish the following sentence:

______ is the talk between two or more people in a play.

What is dialogue?
