Key Concepts
Wellness tools
Parts of a WRAP plan

We have to climb into the driver's seat to make our recovery journey.  We are the only person who can set goals for our life.  We are the only who can make our dreams come true.

What is self-responsibility


When your mind jumps to worst case scenarios (making a mountain out of a molehill)

What is catastrophising 


The link we have with the world outside ourselves.  It can be made with people, places and ideas.  It can also be about the relationship with ourselves.

What is a connection


Writing is something we do all the time, even if it is making lists and putting them on the refrigerator.  Writing can be a positive force for our recovery.  Writing down our experiences, our reactions to life events, and our innermost thoughts is often very helpful.

What is  Journaling 


Self care activities you need to do for yourself, on a regular basis, to maintain your health and well-being 

What is the daily maintenance plan 


 The feeling that what we wish for or want can be had, that events will turn out well in our lives.  Have hope means we have the energy to make our recovery happen.

What is hope


The ability to bounce back from adversity. 

What is resilience


Do to the large amount of information out there during the covid crisis, serious concerns have been raised over people's excessive information  consumption.  Excessive  exposure can cause anxiety, hopelessness, depression and a lack of interest in every day activities.  Additionally, people need to determine good from bad information.  This is not always easy.

What is information diet.


A form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between the mind and body.  It is a way of focusing your imagination to create calm, peaceful images in your mind, thereby providing a "mental escape."

What is guided imagery 


This document can be used to specify the treatment a person wishes to receive if they are unable to make decisions for themselves.  In this document we can state which medications they wish to receive/not receive, treatment facilities, what they would like others to do us.  The advance directive can

What is a crisis plan


Lots of knowledge and information are needed in order to make good decisions about our treatment and available treatment options 

What is  education


A self-desiged prevention and wellness program that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make your life the way you want it to be.

What is a WRAP plan 


A way to keep people from interacting closely or frequently enough to spread the coronovivus.  People should. stay 6 feet apart from others

What is social distancing


An interaction between a pet and a person.  This interaction has a positive affect on someone's mental health.  Dog and cats are most often used.  However, fish and birds may also be used.

What is pet therapy


Things that happen to us that are likely to set off a chain reaction of uncomfortable, unhelpful behaviors,   thoughts or feelings.  If  not dealt with, at first notice, it will be harder to deal with.

What is a trigger


Effective communication skills are important in getting your needs met, telling others what works for you and what doesn't

What is self-advocacy


This ancient practice is about being completely aware of what's being what’s happening in the present- of all that's going on inside and all that's happening around you.  It means not living your life on "autopilot."

What is mindfulness


The restriction and separation of people who may have been exposed to an infections disease. A precaution so people do not get diseased.

What is quarantine 


This occurs when people provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social or practical help to each other.  This can be 1-on1 or in a group format.

What is peer support


A pre-crisis state.  A serious state where symptoms may be dangerous, distracting, etc. to the point where your symptoms are serious, possibly dangerous to the point where your day-to-day functioning is compromised.  Immediate action, specified in your WRAP plan, to avert a full blown crisis.

When things are breaking down


There are times when we need assistance from others.  Attending a group and staying in touch with family/friends where we share information and ideas can make us feel less alone,more empowered and get us through rough patches in our lives

What is support


Catch it, pause it, challenge ot, change it

How to recognize and change unhelpful and troublesome thoughts


Continuous cough, high fever, loss or change in sense of smell or taste

What are some symptoms of coronovivus 


This type of yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.  It is usually done in groups as well as home.  I stand in front of a mirror.  Brings a smile to me.

What is laughing yoga 
