Name the 5 senses.
See, smell, hear, touch, taste.
Instead of two truths and a lie, Donna used: Two truths and a _______.
True or False: Thoughts are Facts.
The use of free time for enjoyment.
Name 3 Community Mental Health Resources.
DMHS, CMHA, Pinewood, COPE, CAREA, Catholic Family Services, Durham Family Services, John Howard, etc...
Which piece of sports equipment does Donna relate Mindfulness to?
CBT strategy the "3 Cs" catch the thought then ...?
Check/Challenge, Change.
The O in the STOP Acronym stands for this.
These stop you from participating in your recreation and leisure interests.
Labels are for ____ not for _____.
Jars, people.
The three states of mind.
Rational/Reasonable, Wise, Emotional.
Use this technique (acronym) for ways of finding joy and balance.
The skill of accepting things that you cannot change.
Radical Acceptance.
The 3 decades Lauren used in Music Trivia.
70s, 80s, & 90s.
Demonstrate the gesture used to represent "Flipping the Lid".
*fist over thumb then the fingers release and pop up*
There's more right with you than wrong with you as long as you're ______.
The cognitive distortion where we anticipate the worst possible outcome in life scenarios.
This emotion regulation skill will help with urge management.
Ride the Wave.
The 5 domains of health.
Physical, social, emotional, cognitive, spiritual.
Name one category of antidepressants.
SSRI, SNRI, MAOI, Tricyclic.
This skill will keep you grounded whether you're on land or on the water.
Dropping Anchor.
Name a component of the Cognitive Triangle.
Situation, Thoughts, Behaviours, Emotions.
The TIPP Acronym stands for this.
Temperature change, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation.
Name a component of the Leisure Ability Model.
Functional Intervention, Leisure Education, Recreation Participation.
Which part of the nervous system is responsible for the rest and digest?