Name the 5 senses.
See, smell, hear, touch, taste.
The R in the SMART Goal Planning stands for this.
True or False: Thoughts are Facts.
These stop you from participating in your leisure.
Name 3 Community Mental Health Resources.
DMHS, CMHA, Pinewood, COPE, CAREA, Catholic Family Services, Durham Family Services, John Howard, etc...
Observe, describe, participate.
Define stress.
Being placed under some kind of pressure, and believing we do not have sufficient resources to cope.
The O in the STOP Acronym stands for this.
The use of free time for enjoyment.
The recommended amount of alcoholic drinks per week.
The three states of mind.
Rational/Reasonable, Wise, Emotional.
What does REM sleep stand for?
Rapid-eye movement.
The skill of accepting things that you cannot change.
Radical Acceptance.
The 3 Decades Lauren used in Music Trivia.
70s, 80s, 90s.
CMHA stands for this.
Canadian Mental Health Association.
A mindfulness "How" Skill.
Non-judgmental, one-mindful, be effective.
Name a stage in the cycle of change.
Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, relapse.
You practice this when an emotion is doing more harm than good.
Opposite Action.
Which month is Therapeutic Recreation awareness month?
If I was struggling with addiction which services would be appropriate for me?
This skill will keep you grounded whether you're on land or on the water.
Dropping Anchor.
Name the 3 Diagnoses that were covered in MHDT.
Depression, Anxiety, Personality Disorders.
What does the TIPP Acronym stand for?
Temperature change, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation.
Name the 5 domains of health.
Physical, social, emotional, cognitive, spiritual.
DMHS stands for this.
Durham Mental Health Services.