What is the smallest number that is the sum of its positive proper divisors?
What does SGD stand for?
Stochastic gradient descent
Which AI company, started by Elon Musk, is intended as a rival to OpenAI?
Grok AI
What room are we in currently?
1571 GGBL
Compute the following derivative:
d/dy e^(2x)y + x^2
What is the following Greek letter, and what does it often represent in machine learning?
Eta - learning rate
Who is considered the "Father of the Computer?"
Charles Babbage
What is the EECS course number for Introduction to Computer Vision?
EECS 442
Pick 13 cards of the same suit and arrange them randomly. What is the probability that the Jack comes before the Queen, which comes before the King?
Which hyperparameter can you increase to decrease the number of updates made per epoch in SGD?
At what age did Alan Turing die? (+/- 3 years)
Who is the Michigan Hackers Senior Advisor?
Brian Travis
Given the following sequence of abelian groups:
2Z -> Z -> Z/2Z,
prove that the sequence is exact at Z.
Denote the injection by f1: 2Z -> Z and the surjection by f2: Z -> Z/2Z. The image of multiplication by 2 is 2Z, which is the kernel of reduction mod 2.
Hence im(f1) = 2Z = ker(f2), so the sequence is exact at Z.
What does VQGAN stand for?
Vector-quantized general adversarial network
How many people attended the last MHML hack night?