Taught Me
A simple cold sore is technically a form of what virus?
What number are kindergarteners able to count to if they want to be a part of the winner's club?
What color is the top of the copy machine in the teacher's lounge?
A common generalized greeting for the Christmas season is this alliterative phrase.
Happy Holidays
If you plan on running in this pair of comfy shoes, you'd better switch them to "sport mode." What brand are we talking about?
You can make orange by mixing red with this color.
A hard-boiled egg and an Oreo cookie are both 70 calories, but what does a calorie measure?
This is the geometric structure most commonly affiliated with ancient Egypt.
The center of the high school commons features our iconic cardinal face surrounded by text. What does the text read?
"Home of the Cardinals"
This tradition began in the late 1800s in New York. Some families make it a tradition to get takeout from what type of restaurant around the holiday season?
This athletic brand is named after a winged Greek goddess.
This holiday gourde can technically be classified as a fruit because it bears seeds.
Genital lice is often called this name for a common crustation.
One standard includes teaching kids about their senses. How many are taught?
What is the first piece of information you read at the very top of Brittni's News From The Nest?
Day of the week.
What is the name for the candle fixture celebrated by the Jewish faith for Hanukkah?
This man founded a luxury French handbag company in the late 1800s that is still going strong today.
Louis Vatton
The sky often appears orange during this phenomenon at dusk.
One symptom of this STI that I refuse to spell is a burning sensation when urinating. Was that one H or two?
In America, it is common to incorrectly teach that red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors. Much of the rest of the world teaches the correct 3. What are they?
Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow
If you wanted to walk from the 100 hallway down to the 200 hallway, how many steps would you need to descend?
What is the traditional African Holiday celebrated in December?
This hype-beast brand is known for being outrageously expensive and slaps its simplistic white and red logo on just about everything.
Ask your favorite historical linguist this question: Which came first what came first; the color orange, the fruit orange, or neither (a third option)?
Neither. It was the tree.
This is the only 100% proven method for preventing STDs.
Lewis and Clark were guided by this Native-American mother.
Which of the 26 letters on a standard computer keyboard is found furthest to the right?
This is the German Christmas character, that Dwight Schrutte dressed as on the Office, will hit naughty children with a bundle of sticks.
The brother of the founder of Adidas decided to move across a river in England and start this brand of his own.
They say that nothing rhymes with orange, but this hill in Whales does.