The lord of inferno
Alphinauds' sister
Red Alphinaud
Mira's famous catchline
In what universe / In what world (both is accepted)
The Legend of Zelda game released in 1991
During this event in Stardew Valley can you buy Strawberry Seeds
Egg Festival
The only FFXIV job, outside of bluemage, where the WoL gets an empty soulstone.
The Garlemald meme that Mira hopes will never die
This is Thancred
Mni's famous catchline
What do you meeeean?
The 4 pokemons that can be argued to be the first pokemon
Rhydon, Bulbasaur, Mew and Arceus
The secret interaction did Leona have with some champions/skins that Riot removed as it was an "unfair advantage"
Deal 1 damage less to champions wearing sunglasses
The primals that fuel the Ultima Weapon
Garuda, Ifrit, Titan and Zodiark (Zodiark is used to cast Ultima)
Roses are red, i thought i should mention
Such devestation was not my intention
By far, the highest cause of death in Phasmophobia
Luna finding cursed objects
Sonic's arch-rival and "The ultimate lifeform"
The ghost you have in Phasmophobia when the evidence you find is Fingerprints, Freezing temperatures and Ghost Writing
The calamity that made the Miqo'te able to get to Eorzea
Fifth Umbral Calamity (Ice)
The iconic voiceline from Zenos during his final battle
A test if your reflexes!
The main source of FFXIV's income
Luna's fantasia addiction
The modern name of the character "Jump man"
If you were me, what would you do
Pizza hut in the garage
The name of the seat of "The Emissary" in the Convocation of Fourteen
The way you treat phys ranged players
Kravens answer to if Kili can moan during League of Legends
The Nintendo franchise that, by far, has the most sales and sits above 826.38 million sales
Mario franchise
The female League of Legends champion that in 2019 was number 4 most searched champion in sexual situatioons, peaking at 1593 google searches