The members of Mia's TWICE "bias line" (hint: 3 members)
Who are Dahyun, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon
Mia's favourite Squid Game character
The amount of servers that Mia is active in, excluding this one
The grade Mia is in
What is grade 12
Who is egokoro.qtaro
The group Mia loves despite previous claims to never stan a boy group
Mia's TWO Alice in Borderland GOATS
This is ONE of the ways Mia cheated in main games
What is she would team in any game, tell players info as fm or have fm tell her info as a player, always get/give key to ray if one of us was fm, dm fm fake teams bc i didn't like that rule, use mod to delete others messages, was always biased giving out roles (gave good ones to closest friends)
Mia's top artist on Spotify 2024
Who is Taylor Swift
What is Ben Shapiro Facts song
Mia's height (in ft/in)
What is 5'5"
The only non-twice k-pop album (not CD) Mia owns
What is T.O.P Doom Dada
The album Mia struggles to say kind things about upon release
What is Alter Ego by LISA
The year and month when Mia admitted to a previous Hayday addiction
What is April 2024
When doxxing herself, this information Mia forgot to delete and only went back and deleted last year
What is the name of her school