When is his birthday?
July 1st
When did Michael and I become BFFs?
6th grade math
What does Michael like to do for fun?
What is Michael terrible at?
Lots of things, but more specifically, getting ready for things...he takes forever
How tall is Michael?
What is Michaels mom's name?
How nervous is Michael right now as these questions roll out?
Easily a 9.3/10 on the nervous scale
How will Michael's best man speech go?
Most likely, terrible
What was Michaels first job?
What sport did Michael play in HS?
What position did Michael play in softball?
2nd or RF
What was his ugly dogs name?
What did Chris say when a tree fell into his parents kitchen?
"Hey how are you?"
Chris has caught two baseballs from two red sox players outreaching Michael, who were they?
Ortiz and Pedroia
What did Michael use to wear while playing basketball?
Sports goggles
What should Michael do before each golf season?
Hold a employee meeting but he is too scared
When Michael disciplined a kid at work, what famous quote did Michael say?
"I get it"
Who is most disappointed with Michael?
His father
Something of Michaels is upstairs right now...what is it?
a toothbrush
What does Michael hate?
What is Michaels middle name?
Ferdinand like the stupid bull
What did Michael and Christopher almost say during a presentation in 12th grade?
"The aroma of burning flesh"
How old was Michael when he had his first drink? What did he do to deserve it?
Cut the grass at 14 years old
Michael hit how many three-pointers in a rec game in front of his idle?
8 threes