League Funnies
Important Gameplay tips from yours truly
Michaels Fun facts!
Best Items (according to Michael)

Who gunned down Zed with a double barrel shotgun in the streets of Summoners Rift

Graves :(


(this one is phoned in from Charlotte) Who is the worst person to play against in any fighting game.

Jack Tijeiarana A.K.A Rat

whose advice should you completely disregard when it comes to league of legends 

What is Alex A.K.A Cranestreams A.K.A BillSpy AKA Previous esport pro Crane


what muscle do 20 percent of people not have. (hint it can be seen while holding your pinky and thumb together and flexing your wrist!)

Palmaris Longus


The best item to build on KogMaw 

What is Kraken Slayer. Bonus points for the earlier seasons where i could build BORK and only BORK

The most broken dragon in the game (according to Charlotte)

What is the Infernal dragon


Honestly dont know what to put for this one just call jack a loser or something

Good job!


what is objectively the best item in the game and you should build it on every character.



Which one of the 12 Cranial nerves in a human body is not a true nerve?

The optic nerve (CNII), it is an extension of the brain (specifically the diencephalon) itself and thus is not a nerve but the actual brain! (its even surrounded by the same meninges as the brain 


the most slanderous and heretical build you could do on Seraphine

what is MAGE!!! NOT ALLOWED!!!


If you were to play a game of the popular MOBA League of Legends with Rat in role of jungler on your team how many kills are you expected to get that game in relation to Rat's kills

None! please stop stealing my kills man.


Who should you never challenge to any sport whatsoever even if there multiple of you

Paul Boe (this guy is scary man!)


Name 2 league skills that are not important to the game at all

any of these will be accepted: vision, wave management and kiting 


what order should a 4 lead EKG be put on a patient (from left to right)

white black (above the heart preferably on the chest)

green red (anywhere below the heart usually on the abdomen)


Why is Galeforce the worst item to build on a ADC for 2 reasons.

What is 1: it is an item active 2: it is a dash (adc's dont get dashes stupid) also will be accepted is 3: not kraken slayer

who is the most broken character in the game (according to Charlotte)

The one she is currently facing in lane.


Who gunned down Obama in Hanover Germany while he was on the roof a clubhouse

The Booger Bandit

What item is a complete waste of gold in the hit MOBA League of Legends made by Riot Games

The Control Ward

How many organs are in the human body

Not Enough! I Can Definitely Fit More! Give Me Your Kidneys!


What is the best item to build when your patient is having a allergic reaction



if you were hypothetically Paul Boe and you were walking down a dark alleyway what jungle camp would you not want to stumble into for fear of your life

what is raptors


Who left me hanging on the release day of the Elden Ring DLC. Like i don't even care anyway man it doesn't even matter. Its not like we waited 2 months for this man.

Alex Woods! it wasnt like i was down with the stomach flu that day and was still waiting man like i dont even care that Nathan was already playing it and i waited the entire day man.


What should your vision score be by the end of the game

around 0


How many bones are there in the human body

Too Many!


what is the best item to build on Talon

Michael Jackson's hit song Billy Jean
